Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: None
Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
Up to date
Plugins (5): CoreProtect, Discord-Bot-API, DiscordSRV, MinecraftHook, VerifiedCommands
CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-69774b3-3b8f5be (MC: 1.13) (Implementing API version 1.13-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
OLD: When I am walking through a nether fortress, no wither skeletons or normal skeletons spawning. Also found no blazes in the fortress. The blaze spawners are fine. Also no Pigmen spawning in side. Only a few on the bridges. (No longer true)
NEW:Latest version of Spigot there are more mobs spawning on normal. And every type is now spawning. But still less then a vanilla server.
When I tested this on a 1.13 vanilla server within 1 minute of walking around I found 2 wither skeletons and 2 normal skeletons. Where after 15 minutes on spigot I got 0 zero spawning. (Only 2 magma cubes and 3 zombie pigmen in the whole fortress.
Used a copy of the spigot world. Diffucilty lvl is normal. In the new testing I used a up to date spigot version(30-7-2018) and a new generated world.
Seed: 3494217688620033322 (different from original bug report)
Location: x:384 z:-368 (use /locate Fortress for quick in chat teleport command)
- relates to
SPIGOT-4383 Less entities spawning
- Resolved