Type: Bug
Resolution: Won't Fix
Priority: Minor
Affects Version/s: None
Step 1: Save the BlockState of a non-blank Sign to a variable
Step 2: Set the sign block to stone or glass or something
Step 3: Call the update method on the saved BlockState object and use the force flag
Result expected: The block becomes a sign again and the lines it had are restored
Result that occurs: The block becomes a sign again but is blank
Code used to test:
Player player = (Player)sender; Block targetBlock = player.getLocation().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH,2); targetBlock.setType(Material.SIGN_POST); Sign newSign = (Sign)targetBlock.getState(); newSign.setLine(0, "Test Sign"); newSign.update(true,true); sender.sendMessage(" Placed sign with text."); new BukkitRunnable(){public void run(){ if(targetBlock.getType()==Material.SIGN_POST){ BlockState oldState = targetBlock.getState(); targetBlock.setType(Material.GLASS); sender.sendMessage(" Overwrote sign with glass."); new BukkitRunnable(){public void run(){ boolean result = oldState.update(true,true); sender.sendMessage(" Restored "+oldState.getClass().getSimpleName()+". Update result == "+result); BlockState newState = targetBlock.getState(); if(oldState instanceof Sign && newState instanceof Sign){ String[] oldLines = ((Sign)oldState).getLines(); String[] newLines = ((Sign)newState).getLines(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ sender.sendMessage(" [Line "+(i+1)+"] old: \""+oldLines[i]+"\" new: \""+newLines[i]+"\""); } } }}.runTaskLater(plugin, 20*3); } }}.runTaskLater(plugin, 20*3);
Additional Notes:
- Affects other BlockState types (like chests), not just signs
- Occurs even without using scheduled tasks
- Might be related to
Debug messages from example code: