When a shulker is damaged, and in some other places, it calls a method of the name:
`protected boolean o()`
This then calculates a new BlockPosition and places the Entity there. Because of this, it bypasses the Entity Teleport events, as it is a special case.
Can you add a teleport event call and cancel check in this method?
protected boolean o()
if ((hasAI()) || (!isAlive())) {
return true;
BlockPosition localBlockPosition1 = new BlockPosition(this);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
BlockPosition localBlockPosition2 = localBlockPosition1.a(8 - this.random.nextInt(17), 8 - this.random.nextInt(17), 8 - this.random.nextInt(17));
if ((localBlockPosition2.getY() > 0) && (this.world.isEmpty(localBlockPosition2)) && (this.world.g(this)) && (this.world.getCubes(this, new AxisAlignedBB(localBlockPosition2)).isEmpty()))
int j = 0;
for (EnumDirection localEnumDirection : EnumDirection.values()) {
if (this.world.d(localBlockPosition2.shift(localEnumDirection), false))
this.datawatcher.set(a, localEnumDirection);
j = 1;
if (j != 0) // fixing check goes here, I suppose
a(SoundEffects.fK, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.datawatcher.set(b, Optional.of(localBlockPosition2));
this.datawatcher.set(c, Byte.valueOf((byte)0));
return true;
return false;