Spigit version: https://hub.spigotmc.org/versions/831.json
My server in the case where no player, still loads more than 2,100 more chunks.
I try to debug it, found that most of the chunk is loaded by BlockFire.
Please look at latest.log
[17:15:30] /list Confirm that the server does not have a player in (actually has already turned on the whitelist from 5:00 start)
[17:15:32] /gc Displays the number of chunk
[17:15:41] /gc Displays the number of chunk
[17:15:52] /pd dc I write the plugin output loaded chunk list
[17:16:02] /gc Displays the number of chunk
log file
"/pd dc"output
Chunk loaded and unloaded the debug log
Is too large to upload, please look here: