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  1. SpigotPlugins
  2. PLUG-93

The new Essentials Is glitching out other plugins


    • Essentials

      I wanted to update my MC 1.8 protocol hack Server to a fully 1.8 Server but then I saw you needed a new Essentials and things so I thought Ok and I downloaded everything placed it in the plugins folder and update the server then I started the server and saw that my Groupmanager,Multiverse and some other plugins glitched out because of the new essentials so I downgraded it to the 1.8 protocol hack so that the players can still join the Server my Question is: How do I fix that Issue? I don't know iff other people has the same problem but I don't know what to do right now because Minecraft 1.9 is coming soon and I really want to update my Server to 1.9 but I can't because the new essentials is glitching out some important plugins. I hope you can help my! Because my players love to have a fully working Server

            Unassigned Unassigned
            riccotje Riccardo Van der Horst
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