Uploaded image for project: 'SpigotPlugins'
  1. SpigotPlugins
  2. PLUG-59

Exception Handlers are needed


      Spigot is lacking an plugin exception handler.

      When any stack trace is spilled in the console, there's no way to silence it, email it, save it, block it, get it, get it's cause, etc...

      I previously made this thread wanting to edit my plugin's stack trace handling only to know that I couldn't!

      Minecraft mods can do it so why can't plugins?

      I thought about implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler but that just seems too much and possibly might very likely not work at all or deal heavily on lag.

      This needs to be a thing that the Bukkit.getLogger() should be able to do or maybe implementing SpigotUncaughtExceptionHandler or something.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            LordSaad John
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