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  1. SpigotPlugins
  2. PLUG-155

Essentials Group Manager Prefixes Refuse To Work


    • Group Manager

      Hello! I have been trying to solve this issue for HOURS! I am so frustrated and i have about to give up. I have a Spigot 1.9.2 server through Apex Hosting. I originally used PermissionsEx for my permissions plugins. I created the group "Owner". I made the prefix: &f[&cOwner&f]. Then I added myself to the group. The prefix refused to show up. I looked up solutions and a couple said to download Group Manager, as it is much easier to use. I uninstalled my PermissionsEx plugin. I watched a youtube video on how to use Group Manager and the basics of it. Once I watched the whole video I tried to set up a prefix doing as i was told. Apparently every command carried out fine until i typed and my prefix still did not show up. Please help me I am so annoyed!
      A list of plugins I have are:
      -MultiWorld (I need to uninstall b/c i prefer Multiverse)

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            kaybre_renee Kaybre Renee
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