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  1. BuildTools

The startup takes a long time


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • Windows 11

    • git-BuildTools-a50d932-181
    • Yes

      When I launch the BuildTools GUI, it takes upwards of 2-3 minutes to load the necessary data. Nobody else has reported similar errors to my knowledge, but from the information I was able to gather, it might be related to the requests that BuildTools does when it starts up. My connection is stable and decently fast (speedtest.net reports 242MB/S download speed & 253MB/S upload speed).

      This is the debug information:

      Program Information
      BuildTools Version: git-BuildTools-a50d932-181
      Java Version: Java 20
      Current Path: D:\BuildTools
      Flags Used: --nogui --rev 1.20.5 --remapped --generate-docs --generate-source
      Operating System
      Windows 11 (amd64)
      Kernel Version: 10.0
      Computer Information
      Memory Usage: 25,8 MB / 4 GB
      Java Versions Installed:
      - JDK 21 at C:\JDK21\bin\java.exe
      * JDK 20 at C:\JDK20\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 19 at C:\JDK19\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 18 at C:\JDK18\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IdeaIC2023.2\tmp\patch-update\jre\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2023.2.1\jbr\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\AppData\Local\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2023.2.1\jbr\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\JDK17\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr\bin\java.exe
      - JRE 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\.lunarclient\jre\4dcd188552ce8876d5e55e1f6d22505109bfa4cb\zulu17.34.19-ca-jre17.0.3-win_x64\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\.vscode\extensions\redhat.java-1.27.0-win32-x64\jre\17.0.10-win32-x86_64\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\.vscode\extensions\redhat.java-1.28.1-win32-x64\jre\17.0.10-win32-x86_64\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 17 at C:\Users\Matvey\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\runtime\java-runtime-beta\windows\java-runtime-beta\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 16 at C:\Users\Matvey\.jdks\corretto-16.0.2\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 16 at C:\JDK16\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 11 at C:\JDK11\bin\java.exe
      - JRE 8 at C:\Users\Matvey\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\runtime\jre-legacy\windows\jre-legacy\bin\java.exe
      - JRE 8 at C:\Users\Matvey\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\jre\jre8u51-windows-x64\bin\java.exe
      - JDK 8 at C:\JDK8\bin\java.exe
      - JRE 8 at C:\JDK8\jre\bin\java.exe 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ZBLL Matvey
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
