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  1. BuildTools

Class decompilation fails semi-randomly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Arch Linux

      OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b24)
      OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode)

      git version: 2.5.2

      BuildTools version: git-BuildTools-1847da7-45 (#45)

      The class decompilation fails at semi-random points, approximately around the PathfinderGoalRestrictSun class.

      Log excerpt below. Full log is attached.

      INFO:  Decompiling class net/minecraft/server/PathfinderGoalArrowAttack
      INFO:  ... done
      INFO:  Decompiling class net/minecraft/server/CommandBlockData
      INFO:  ... done
      INFO:  Decompiling class net/minecraft/server/PathfinderGoalRandomStroll
      INFO:  ... done
      INFO:  Decompiling class net/minecraft/server/PathfinderGoalRandomLookaround
      INFO:  ... done
      INFO:  Decompiling class net/minecraft/server/PathfinderGoalPlay
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error running command, return status !=0: [java, -jar, BuildData/bin/fernflower.jar, -dgs=1, -hdc=0, -rbr=0, -asc=1, -udv=0, work/decompile-ba9a3cce/classes, work/decompile-ba9a3cce]
              at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess(Builder.java:535)
              at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.main(Builder.java:326)

      Yes, I did everything that's written in the wiki and yes I always start from a clean slate (see the attached build.sh). I can only imagine that OpenJDK would be to blame, if this isn't an error with the BuildTools.

      Thanks for your time.

      PS: That required version field in the form is quite unnecessary / not applicable for BuildTools...

        1. build.sh
          1.0 kB
        2. build.log
          175 kB

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            buschtoens Jan Buschtöns
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