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Polling Log

This page captures the polling log that triggered this build.

Started on Jul 23, 2018 11:49:00 AM
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 5eb39219b1987510730e082ef6c14470b11bcc5b (refs/remotes/origin/master)
Found 38 remote heads on
Ignoring HEAD as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/56/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/17/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/20/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/17/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/50/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/61/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/63/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/60/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/50/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/72/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/61/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/43/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/26/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/57/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/76/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/20/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/56/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/76/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/81/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/26/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/63/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/43/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/82/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/24/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/24/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/77/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/77/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/57/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/39/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/82/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/72/merge as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
Ignoring refs/pull-requests/60/from as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs
[poll] Latest remote head revision on refs/heads/master is: a85f7ec0de6263efed322bb8527c6360ea1109a7
Done. Took 86 ms
Changes found