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  1. #730: Added missing declaration of the org.bukkit.profile package. (details)
  2. #730: Added a checkstyle rule to check for missing package declarations. (details)
Commit 97157b12b0bb2d6b6284ecbfb0efa903d111bb18 by md_5
#730: Added missing declaration of the org.bukkit.profile package.
The file was addedsrc/main/java/org/bukkit/profile/
Commit abbc5c550de40e1e1eca6c4efcb85f925371fe6c by md_5
#730: Added a checkstyle rule to check for missing package declarations.

Added a suppression to ignore the test sources.
The file was addedcheckstyle-suppressions.xml
The file was modified checkstyle.xml
The file was modified pom.xml