- Rebuild patches for scoreboard API pull to Bukkit. (details)
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0003-Skeleton-API-Implementations.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0004-BungeeCord-Support.patch |
The file was removed | Bukkit-Patches/0022-Expand-team-API-to-allow-arbitrary-strings.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0006-Add-Particle-API.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0012-Player-Collision-API.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0018-Implement-Locale-Getter-for-Players.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0015-Add-respawn-API.patch |
The file was removed | CraftBukkit-Patches/0108-Expand-team-API-to-allow-arbitrary-strings.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0019-Add-support-for-fetching-hidden-players.patch |