- Check for broken BungeeCord configurations (details)
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0074-Only-fetch-an-online-UUID-in-online-mode.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0002-Skeleton-API-Implementations.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0013-BungeeCord-Chat-API.patch |
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0081-BungeeCord-Chat-API.patch |
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0031-BungeeCord-Support.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0003-Spigot-Timings.patch |
The file was modified | Bukkit-Patches/0014-Add-restart-API.patch |
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0002-Skeleton-API-Implementations.patch |
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0008-Spigot-Timings.patch |
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0018-Allow-Disabling-of-Command-TabComplete.patch |
The file was modified | CraftBukkit-Patches/0028-Watchdog-Thread.patch |