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  1. SPIGOT-2490: Villager farming event (details)
Commit d7c257e120996eab1eab7d2bc5a31749ccbe274a by md_5
SPIGOT-2490: Villager farming event
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPotion.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockRedstoneOre.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySilverfish.patch
The file was addednms-patches/PathfinderGoalVillagerFarm.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityEnderman.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityFallingBlock.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockSoil.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockWaterLily.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityWither.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/event/
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityRabbit.patch