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  1. Mappings Update (details)
  2. Add CraftMagicNumbers.MAPPINGS_VERSION for use by NMS plugins (details)
  3. Add API to get / set base arrow damage (details)
  4. Add PlayerItemDamageEvent (details)
  5. SPIGOT-4547: Call EntitySpawnEvent as general spawn fallback event (details)
  6. Do not use deprecated ItemSpawnEvent constructor (details)
Commit d05c8b14816b66fc67b769643b529c05eadfa903 by md_5
Mappings Update
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityVillager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DataWatcher.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntityHopper.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/block/
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityZombie.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandBlockListenerAbstract.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandDispatcher.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockRedstoneComparator.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/StructureGenerator.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemSnowball.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockSponge.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityIronGolem.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemBoat.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Advancement.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityHuman.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityShulkerBullet.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ScoreboardServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Enchantment.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntityBeacon.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityTippedArrow.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/JsonList.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityTrackerEntry.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RegionLimitedWorldAccess.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySheep.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityFallingBlock.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPotion.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityTurtle.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/MethodProfiler.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/UserCache.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandTeleport.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockDispenser.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPainting.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeArmorDye.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockPiston.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Block.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Chunk.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandForceload.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPlayer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityTypes.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BossBattleCustom.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/World.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeRepair.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityZombieVillager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntityFurnace.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/block/data/
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockEnderPortal.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeFireworksStar.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySnowman.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockMushroom.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/NameReferencingFileConverter.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityGuardianElder.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ContainerPlayer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PlayerChunkMap.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ContainerEnchantTable.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CustomFunctionData.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ShapedRecipes.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TickListServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySlice.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTarget.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ContainerHorse.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DataConverterMap.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/WorldBorder.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandSummon.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ArgumentBlock.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandListenerWrapper.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/WorldGenVillagePieces.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/LoginListener.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/MinecraftServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Explosion.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockFluids.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityParrot.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityEnderman.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeFireworksFade.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CraftingManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ChunkRegionLoader.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityAreaEffectCloud.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityInsentient.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/MobEffectList.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityIllagerIllusioner.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ChunkProviderServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandDebug.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandSpreadPlayers.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DispenserRegistry.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeBookServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CrashReport.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityShulker.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TagsServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityMinecartAbstract.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPhantom.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockFire.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockVine.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemBucket.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockRedstoneTorch.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/WorldServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/AdvancementDataPlayer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/FluidTypeFlowing.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Entity.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemWorldMap.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DataConverterRegistry.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandEffect.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemWaterLily.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemStack.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntityConduit.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemEnderPearl.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CustomFunction.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/LegacyPingHandler.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySkeletonAbstract.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/NetworkManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ChunkTaskScheduler.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandGamemode.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandGamerule.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DataConverterFlatten.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityDolphin.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityWolf.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PlayerConnection.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ExpiringMap.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/SecondaryWorldServer.patch
Commit 531c25d73f7c8ef8f8f281c45c2415f7028bb2b5 by md_5
Add CraftMagicNumbers.MAPPINGS_VERSION for use by NMS plugins
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/util/
Commit 63db0445960f43cbab7e90ade6fe1d294a21a641 by md_5
Add API to get / set base arrow damage
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
Commit 963f4a5fc132553fd802fcb6777d4decf36e46ea by md_5
Add PlayerItemDamageEvent
The file was modified nms-patches/ItemStack.patch
Commit 9642498d242f42911a5f1114e6a273042965c58d by md_5
SPIGOT-4547: Call EntitySpawnEvent as general spawn fallback event
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/event/
Commit 01a9959aaf6efe5693902209f390e7621b775492 by md_5
Do not use deprecated ItemSpawnEvent constructor
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/event/