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  1. SPIGOT-4842: Dummy recipes should not give AIR as result type (details)
Commit 84c2f4d1ab49c2d5958ad46b0bd640b47ba55c8e by md_5
SPIGOT-4842: Dummy recipes should not give AIR as result type
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipiesShield.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeFireworksStar.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeFireworks.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeBookClone.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeMapClone.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeFireworksFade.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeShulkerBox.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeSuspiciousStew.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeBannerDuplicate.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeArmorDye.patch