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  1. [SPIGOT-946] Begin making use of access transforms to simplify patching. (details)
Commit a65e45d889c1f040e1921eb84903af915df512db by md_5
[SPIGOT-946] Begin making use of access transforms to simplify patching.
The file was modified nms-patches/Chunk.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntityBrewingStand.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Entity.patch
The file was removednms-patches/JsonListEntry.patch
The file was removednms-patches/TileEntityBanner.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySlime.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Explosion.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntityFurnace.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/Slot.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/TileEntitySign.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/MinecraftServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockJukeBox.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ChunkProviderServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityExperienceOrb.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ContainerDispenser.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityFireworks.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityHorse.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityTracker.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPlayer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/InventoryLargeChest.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityArrow.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityItem.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityHuman.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPotion.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityHanging.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityProjectile.patch
The file was removednms-patches/PlayerAbilities.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockDispenser.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PropertyManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DedicatedServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityArmorStand.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/WorldServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityLiving.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityInsentient.patch
The file was removednms-patches/PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CraftingManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/InventorySubcontainer.patch
The file was removednms-patches/EntityPigZombie.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/MobSpawnerAbstract.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipesFurnace.patch
The file was removednms-patches/EntityGuardian.patch
The file was removednms-patches/PacketPlayOutBlockChange.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityVillager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/FoodMetaData.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/NetworkManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockRedstoneWire.patch