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  1. Update to Minecraft 1.12-pre6 (details)
Commit e13d1196863d5dcfea3d17b79238427dfb2c61b2 by md_5
Update to Minecraft 1.12-pre6
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeBookClone.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeArmorDye.patch
The file was removednms-patches/EnumChatFormat.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/World.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityZombieVillager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/HandshakeListener.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeTippedArrow.patch
The file was modified pom.xml
The file was modified nms-patches/CraftingManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityMinecartAbstract.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeRepair.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ShapelessRecipes.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/ShapedRecipes.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeMapClone.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/util/
The file was modified nms-patches/CommandGamerule.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockVine.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityPlayer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/PlayerConnection.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/CustomFunction.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntitySilverfish.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityFallingBlock.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/NetworkManager.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipesBanner.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipiesShield.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/EntityEnderCrystal.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeShulkerBox.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/LoginListener.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/RecipeFireworks.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/DedicatedServer.patch
The file was modified nms-patches/BlockSapling.patch
The file was modified src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/scoreboard/
The file was modified nms-patches/IRecipe.patch