Interface TrialSpawnerConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:

@Experimental public interface TrialSpawnerConfiguration extends BaseSpawner
Represents one of the configurations of a trial spawner.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getBaseSpawnsBeforeCooldown Link icon

      float getBaseSpawnsBeforeCooldown()
      Gets the base number of entities the spawner will spawn before going into cooldown.
      the number of entities
    • setBaseSpawnsBeforeCooldown Link icon

      void setBaseSpawnsBeforeCooldown(float amount)
      Sets the base number of entities the spawner will spawn before going into cooldown.
      amount - the number of entities
    • getBaseSimultaneousEntities Link icon

      float getBaseSimultaneousEntities()
      Gets the base number of entities this spawner can track at once.
      If the limit is reached the spawner will not be able to spawn any more entities until the existing entities are killed or move too far away.
      the number of entities
    • setBaseSimultaneousEntities Link icon

      void setBaseSimultaneousEntities(float amount)
      Sets the base number of entities this spawner can track at once.
      If the limit is reached the spawner will not be able to spawn any more entities until the existing entities are killed or move too far away.
      amount - the number of entities
    • getAdditionalSpawnsBeforeCooldown Link icon

      float getAdditionalSpawnsBeforeCooldown()
      Gets the additional number of entities the spawner will spawn per tracked player before going into cooldown.
      the number of entities
    • setAdditionalSpawnsBeforeCooldown Link icon

      void setAdditionalSpawnsBeforeCooldown(float amount)
      Sets the additional number of entities the spawner will spawn per tracked player before going into cooldown.
      amount - the number of entities
    • getAdditionalSimultaneousEntities Link icon

      float getAdditionalSimultaneousEntities()
      Gets the additional number of entities this spawner can track at once per tracked player.
      If the limit is reached the spawner will not be able to spawn any more entities until the existing entities are killed or move too far away.
      the number of entities
    • setAdditionalSimultaneousEntities Link icon

      void setAdditionalSimultaneousEntities(float amount)
      Sets the additional number of entities this spawner can track at once per tracked player.
      If the limit is reached the spawner will not be able to spawn any more entities until the existing entities are killed or move too far away.
      amount - the number of entities
    • getPossibleRewards Link icon

      @NotNull Map<LootTable,Integer> getPossibleRewards()
      Gets a list of LootTables this spawner can pick a reward from as well as their associated weight to be chosen.
      a map of loot tables and their associated weight, or an empty map if there are none
    • addPossibleReward Link icon

      void addPossibleReward(@NotNull LootTable table, int weight)
      Add a LootTable to the list of tables this spawner can pick a reward from with a given weight.
      table - the loot table
      weight - the weight, must be at least 1
    • removePossibleReward Link icon

      void removePossibleReward(@NotNull LootTable table)
      Removes the provided LootTable from the list of tables this spawner can pick a reward from.
      table - the loot table
    • setPossibleRewards Link icon

      void setPossibleRewards(@NotNull Map<LootTable,Integer> rewards)
      Sets the list of LootTables and their weights this spawner can pick a reward from.
      All loot tables in the map must be non-null and all weights must be at least 1.
      rewards - a map of loot tables and their weights, or null to clear all possible tables