Interface PlayerTextures

public interface PlayerTextures
Provides access to the textures stored inside a PlayerProfile.

Modifying the textures immediately invalidates and clears any previously present attributes that are specific to official player profiles, such as the timestamp and signature.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • isEmpty Link icon

      boolean isEmpty()
      Checks if the profile stores no textures.
      true if the profile stores no textures
    • clear Link icon

      void clear()
      Clears the textures.
    • getSkin Link icon

      @Nullable URL getSkin()
      Gets the URL that points to the player's skin.
      the URL of the player's skin, or null if not set
    • setSkin Link icon

      void setSkin(@Nullable URL skinUrl)
      Sets the player's skin to the specified URL, and the skin model to PlayerTextures.SkinModel.CLASSIC.

      The URL must point to the Minecraft texture server. Example URL:
      skinUrl - the URL of the player's skin, or null to unset it
    • setSkin Link icon

      void setSkin(@Nullable URL skinUrl, @Nullable PlayerTextures.SkinModel skinModel)
      Sets the player's skin and PlayerTextures.SkinModel.

      The URL must point to the Minecraft texture server. Example URL:

      A skin model of null results in PlayerTextures.SkinModel.CLASSIC to be used.

      skinUrl - the URL of the player's skin, or null to unset it
      skinModel - the skin model, ignored if the skin URL is null
    • getSkinModel Link icon

      @NotNull PlayerTextures.SkinModel getSkinModel()
      Gets the model of the player's skin.

      This returns PlayerTextures.SkinModel.CLASSIC if no skin is set.

      the model of the player's skin
    • getCape Link icon

      @Nullable URL getCape()
      Gets the URL that points to the player's cape.
      the URL of the player's cape, or null if not set
    • setCape Link icon

      void setCape(@Nullable URL capeUrl)
      Sets the URL that points to the player's cape.

      The URL must point to the Minecraft texture server. Example URL:
      capeUrl - the URL of the player's cape, or null to unset it
    • getTimestamp Link icon

      long getTimestamp()
      Gets the timestamp at which the profile was last updated.
      the timestamp, or 0 if unknown
    • isSigned Link icon

      boolean isSigned()
      Checks if the textures are signed and the signature is valid.
      true if the textures are signed and the signature is valid