Interface JukeboxInventory

All Superinterfaces:
Inventory, Iterable<ItemStack>

public interface JukeboxInventory extends Inventory
Interface to the inventory of a Jukebox.
  • Method Details

    • setRecord

      void setRecord(@Nullable ItemStack item)
      Set the record in the jukebox.

      This will immediately start playing the inserted item or stop playing if the item provided is null.

      item - the new record
    • getRecord

      @Nullable ItemStack getRecord()
      Get the record in the jukebox.
      the current record
    • getHolder

      @Nullable Jukebox getHolder()
      Description copied from interface: Inventory
      Gets the block or entity belonging to the open inventory
      Specified by:
      getHolder in interface Inventory
      The holder of the inventory; null if it has no holder.