Interface Configuration

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FileConfiguration, MemoryConfiguration, YamlConfiguration

public interface Configuration extends ConfigurationSection
Represents a source of configurable options and settings
  • Method Details Link icon

    • addDefault Link icon

      void addDefault(@NotNull String path, @Nullable Object value)
      Sets the default value of the given path as provided.

      If no source Configuration was provided as a default collection, then a new MemoryConfiguration will be created to hold the new default value.

      If value is null, the value will be removed from the default Configuration source.

      Specified by:
      addDefault in interface ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the value to set.
      value - Value to set the default to.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if path is null.
    • addDefaults Link icon

      void addDefaults(@NotNull Map<String,Object> defaults)
      Sets the default values of the given paths as provided.

      If no source Configuration was provided as a default collection, then a new MemoryConfiguration will be created to hold the new default values.

      defaults - A map of Path->Values to add to defaults.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if defaults is null.
    • addDefaults Link icon

      void addDefaults(@NotNull Configuration defaults)
      Sets the default values of the given paths as provided.

      If no source Configuration was provided as a default collection, then a new MemoryConfiguration will be created to hold the new default value.

      This method will not hold a reference to the specified Configuration, nor will it automatically update if that Configuration ever changes. If you require this, you should set the default source with setDefaults(org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration).

      defaults - A configuration holding a list of defaults to copy.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if defaults is null or this.
    • setDefaults Link icon

      void setDefaults(@NotNull Configuration defaults)
      Sets the source of all default values for this Configuration.

      If a previous source was set, or previous default values were defined, then they will not be copied to the new source.

      defaults - New source of default values for this configuration.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if defaults is null or this.
    • getDefaults Link icon

      @Nullable Configuration getDefaults()
      Gets the source Configuration for this configuration.

      If no configuration source was set, but default values were added, then a MemoryConfiguration will be returned. If no source was set and no defaults were set, then this method will return null.

      Configuration source for default values, or null if none exist.
    • options Link icon

      @NotNull ConfigurationOptions options()
      Gets the ConfigurationOptions for this Configuration.

      All setters through this method are chainable.

      Options for this configuration