Class HelpCommand

public class HelpCommand extends BukkitCommand
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • HelpCommand Link icon

      public HelpCommand()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • execute Link icon

      public boolean execute(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String currentAlias, @NotNull String[] args)
      Description copied from class: Command
      Executes the command, returning its success
      Specified by:
      execute in class Command
      sender - Source object which is executing this command
      currentAlias - The alias of the command used
      args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
      true if the command was successful, otherwise false
    • tabComplete Link icon

      @NotNull public List<String> tabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String alias, @NotNull String[] args)
      Description copied from class: Command
      Executed on tab completion for this command, returning a list of options the player can tab through.
      tabComplete in class Command
      sender - Source object which is executing this command
      alias - the alias being used
      args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
      a list of tab-completions for the specified arguments. This will never be null. List may be immutable.
    • findPossibleMatches Link icon

      @Nullable protected HelpTopic findPossibleMatches(@NotNull String searchString)
    • damerauLevenshteinDistance Link icon

      protected static int damerauLevenshteinDistance(@Nullable String s1, @Nullable String s2)
      Computes the Dameraur-Levenshtein Distance between two strings. Adapted from the algorithm at Wikipedia: Damerau–Levenshtein distance
      s1 - The first string being compared.
      s2 - The second string being compared.
      The number of substitutions, deletions, insertions, and transpositions required to get from s1 to s2.