Interface FaceAttachable

All Superinterfaces:
BlockData, Cloneable
All Known Subinterfaces:
Grindstone, Switch

public interface FaceAttachable extends BlockData
'face' represents the face to which a lever or button is stuck.
This is used in conjunction with Directional to compute the orientation of these blocks.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getAttachedFace Link icon

      @NotNull FaceAttachable.AttachedFace getAttachedFace()
      Gets the value of the 'face' property.
      the 'face' value
    • setAttachedFace Link icon

      void setAttachedFace(@NotNull FaceAttachable.AttachedFace face)
      Sets the value of the 'face' property.
      face - the new 'face' value