Package org.bukkit

Interface Chunk

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Chunk extends PersistentDataHolder
Represents a chunk of blocks. If the chunk is not yet fully generated and data is requested from the chunk, then the chunk will only be generated as far as it needs to provide the requested data.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getX Link icon

      int getX()
      Gets the X-coordinate of this chunk
    • getZ Link icon

      int getZ()
      Gets the Z-coordinate of this chunk
    • getWorld Link icon

      @NotNull World getWorld()
      Gets the world containing this chunk
      Parent World
    • getBlock Link icon

      @NotNull Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z)
      Gets a block from this chunk
      x - 0-15
      y - world minHeight (inclusive) - world maxHeight (exclusive)
      z - 0-15
      the Block
    • getChunkSnapshot Link icon

      @NotNull ChunkSnapshot getChunkSnapshot()
      Capture thread-safe read-only snapshot of chunk data
    • getChunkSnapshot Link icon

      @NotNull ChunkSnapshot getChunkSnapshot(boolean includeMaxblocky, boolean includeBiome, boolean includeBiomeTempRain)
      Capture thread-safe read-only snapshot of chunk data
      includeMaxblocky - - if true, snapshot includes per-coordinate maximum Y values
      includeBiome - - if true, snapshot includes per-coordinate biome type
      includeBiomeTempRain - - if true, snapshot includes per-coordinate raw biome temperature and rainfall
    • isEntitiesLoaded Link icon

      boolean isEntitiesLoaded()
      Checks if entities in this chunk are loaded.
      True if entities are loaded.
    • getEntities Link icon

      @NotNull Entity[] getEntities()
      Get a list of all entities in the chunk. This will force load any entities, which are not loaded.
      The entities.
    • getTileEntities Link icon

      @NotNull BlockState[] getTileEntities()
      Get a list of all tile entities in the chunk.
      The tile entities.
    • isGenerated Link icon

      boolean isGenerated()
      Checks if the chunk is fully generated.
      True if it is fully generated.
    • isLoaded Link icon

      boolean isLoaded()
      Checks if the chunk is loaded.
      True if it is loaded.
    • load Link icon

      boolean load(boolean generate)
      Loads the chunk.
      generate - Whether or not to generate a chunk if it doesn't already exist
      true if the chunk has loaded successfully, otherwise false
    • load Link icon

      boolean load()
      Loads the chunk.
      true if the chunk has loaded successfully, otherwise false
    • unload Link icon

      boolean unload(boolean save)
      Unloads and optionally saves the Chunk
      save - Controls whether the chunk is saved
      true if the chunk has unloaded successfully, otherwise false
    • unload Link icon

      boolean unload()
      Unloads and optionally saves the Chunk
      true if the chunk has unloaded successfully, otherwise false
    • isSlimeChunk Link icon

      boolean isSlimeChunk()
      Checks if this chunk can spawn slimes without being a swamp biome.
      true if slimes are able to spawn in this chunk
    • isForceLoaded Link icon

      boolean isForceLoaded()
      Gets whether the chunk at the specified chunk coordinates is force loaded.

      A force loaded chunk will not be unloaded due to lack of player activity.

      force load status
      See Also:
    • setForceLoaded Link icon

      void setForceLoaded(boolean forced)
      Sets whether the chunk at the specified chunk coordinates is force loaded.

      A force loaded chunk will not be unloaded due to lack of player activity.

      forced - force load status
      See Also:
    • addPluginChunkTicket Link icon

      boolean addPluginChunkTicket(@NotNull Plugin plugin)
      Adds a plugin ticket for this chunk, loading this chunk if it is not already loaded.

      A plugin ticket will prevent a chunk from unloading until it is explicitly removed. A plugin instance may only have one ticket per chunk, but each chunk can have multiple plugin tickets.

      plugin - Plugin which owns the ticket
      true if a plugin ticket was added, false if the ticket already exists for the plugin
      IllegalStateException - If the specified plugin is not enabled
      See Also:
    • removePluginChunkTicket Link icon

      boolean removePluginChunkTicket(@NotNull Plugin plugin)
      Removes the specified plugin's ticket for this chunk

      A plugin ticket will prevent a chunk from unloading until it is explicitly removed. A plugin instance may only have one ticket per chunk, but each chunk can have multiple plugin tickets.

      plugin - Plugin which owns the ticket
      true if the plugin ticket was removed, false if there is no plugin ticket for the chunk
      See Also:
    • getPluginChunkTickets Link icon

      @NotNull Collection<Plugin> getPluginChunkTickets()
      Retrieves a collection specifying which plugins have tickets for this chunk. This collection is not updated when plugin tickets are added or removed to this chunk.

      A plugin ticket will prevent a chunk from unloading until it is explicitly removed. A plugin instance may only have one ticket per chunk, but each chunk can have multiple plugin tickets.

      unmodifiable collection containing which plugins have tickets for this chunk
      See Also:
    • getInhabitedTime Link icon

      long getInhabitedTime()
      Gets the amount of time in ticks that this chunk has been inhabited. Note that the time is incremented once per tick per player within mob spawning distance of this chunk.
      inhabited time
    • setInhabitedTime Link icon

      void setInhabitedTime(long ticks)
      Sets the amount of time in ticks that this chunk has been inhabited.
      ticks - new inhabited time
    • contains Link icon

      boolean contains(@NotNull BlockData block)
      Tests if this chunk contains the specified block.
      block - block to test
      if the block is contained within
    • contains Link icon

      boolean contains(@NotNull Biome biome)
      Tests if this chunk contains the specified biome.
      biome - biome to test
      if the biome is contained within
    • getLoadLevel Link icon

      @NotNull Chunk.LoadLevel getLoadLevel()
      Gets the load level of this chunk, which determines what game logic is processed.
      the load level
    • getStructures Link icon

      @NotNull Collection<GeneratedStructure> getStructures()
      Gets all generated structures that intersect this chunk.
      If no structures are present an empty collection will be returned.
      a collection of placed structures in this chunk
    • getStructures Link icon

      @NotNull Collection<GeneratedStructure> getStructures(@NotNull Structure structure)
      Gets all generated structures of a given Structure that intersect this chunk.
      If no structures are present an empty collection will be returned.
      structure - the structure to find
      a collection of placed structures in this chunk
    • getPlayersSeeingChunk Link icon

      @NotNull Collection<Player> getPlayersSeeingChunk()
      Get a list of all players who are can view the chunk from their client

      This list will be empty if no players are viewing the chunk, or the chunk is unloaded.

      collection of players who can see the chunk