Interface BlockDataMeta

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, ItemMeta, PersistentDataHolder

public interface BlockDataMeta extends ItemMeta
  • Method Details Link icon

    • hasBlockData Link icon

      boolean hasBlockData()
      Returns whether the item has block data currently attached to it.
      whether block data is already attached
    • getBlockData Link icon

      @NotNull BlockData getBlockData(@NotNull Material material)
      Returns the currently attached block data for this item or creates a new one if one doesn't exist. The state is a copy, it must be set back (or to another item) with setBlockData(
      material - the material we wish to get this data in the context of
      the attached data or new data
    • setBlockData Link icon

      void setBlockData(@NotNull BlockData blockData)
      Attaches a copy of the passed block data to the item.
      blockData - the block data to attach to the block.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the blockData is null or invalid for this item.