package org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.permissions; import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission; import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault; import org.bukkit.util.permissions.DefaultPermissions; public final class CommandPermissions { private static final String ROOT = "minecraft.command"; private static final String PREFIX = ROOT + "."; private CommandPermissions() {} public static Permission registerPermissions(Permission parent) { Permission commands = DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(ROOT, "Gives the user the ability to use all vanilla minecraft commands", parent); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "kill", "Allows the user to commit suicide", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "me", "Allows the user to perform a chat action", PermissionDefault.TRUE, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "msg", "Allows the user to privately message another player", PermissionDefault.TRUE, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "help", "Allows the user to access Vanilla command help", PermissionDefault.TRUE, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "say", "Allows the user to talk as the console", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "give", "Allows the user to give items to players", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "teleport", "Allows the user to teleport players", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "kick", "Allows the user to kick players", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "stop", "Allows the user to stop the server", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "list", "Allows the user to list all online players", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "gamemode", "Allows the user to change the gamemode of another player", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "xp", "Allows the user to give themselves or others arbitrary values of experience", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "toggledownfall", "Allows the user to toggle rain on/off for a given world", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "defaultgamemode", "Allows the user to change the default gamemode of the server", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "seed", "Allows the user to view the seed of the world", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "effect", "Allows the user to add/remove effects on players", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "selector", "Allows the use of selectors", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission(PREFIX + "trigger", "Allows the use of the trigger command", PermissionDefault.TRUE, commands); DefaultPermissions.registerPermission("minecraft.admin.command_feedback", "Receive command broadcasts when sendCommandFeedback is true", PermissionDefault.OP, commands); commands.recalculatePermissibles(); return commands; } }