[SPIGOT-809] Recipients for join and quit messages. Created: 16/Apr/15  Updated: 23/Oct/22

Status: Open
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Priority: Minor
Reporter: Faris Rehman Assignee: Doc
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 1
Labels: Chat, Event, Spigot


Hi, it'd be great if developers could get and set the recipients of the join message in PlayerJoinEvent, and the quit message in PlayerQuitEvent and PlayerKickEvent.

You may say, "why not just set priority to HIGHEST, set the message to "" and send all players online excluding those who you don't want, the old message?" Problem with that is, what if another plugin also wants to modify the recipients.

Comment by Faris Rehman [ 05/Apr/16 ]


Comment by Faris Rehman [ 14/Mar/16 ]

1 year later...

Comment by Faris Rehman [ 01/Jul/15 ]

Any updates? Oliver Dunk?

Comment by Oliver Dunk [ 26/May/15 ]

I feel adding this would make the API more linear and consistent - will open a PR tommorow.

Comment by SpigotMC [ 16/Apr/15 ]

Your build is not the latest and therefore may be the reason you are having this issue. Spigot is 8 version(s) behind. CraftBukkit is 20 version(s) behind. This message was automatically generated and is not guaranteed to be a solution to your issue.

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