[SPIGOT-7911] Location#isWorldLoaded() is broken and causes a chain of problems Created: 02/Oct/24  Updated: 25/Dec/24  Resolved: 06/Oct/24

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Marcel Assignee: md_5
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None

Version: Latest
Guidelines Read: Yes


Some background information: I have been battling with a bug since years where chunks wouldn't get loaded when teleporting, whereby the player would get in a basically frozen state. Today I have found out that I have been dealing with a world instance that actually doesn't exist anymore, and thereby causes broken results.


I have been relying on Location#isWorldLoaded() to update my cached Location instance, as I am reloading the world frequently. This method still returns true, even after the world strictly speaking isn't loaded anymore, and I am thereby working with a broken instance.


Location#isWorldLoaded() does basically the following:

return world != null && Bukkit.getWorld(world.getUID()) != null; 

The problem is, that world UUIDs are persistent - they do not change after a reload. This is handled properly within World#equals(Object):

this.getUID() == other.getUID() 

Here, the references are compared (and not the actual matching of the UUIDs), whereby it returns the expected result. Although, I'd suggest comparing the handle, as it otherwise gives a feel of the UUIDs not being persistent (which possibly even lead to the fault with Location#isWorldLoaded()).


The fix, within Location#isWorldLoaded(), could be:

return world != null && world.equals(Bukkit.getWorld(world.getUID()));  

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