[SPIGOT-7280] Endereye consumption triggers are broken Created: 25/Feb/23  Updated: 25/Dec/24

Status: Open
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Brian Fopiano Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Labels: 1.19.3, EnderEye, bug, event, spigot, trigger

Freshly built spigot from BT.
Freshly compiled jar.
Java 17.0.6 Temurin

Ender eye trigger now happens before I can cancel 

Can confirm this happens outside of my environment as well.

Test: try throwing a stack of 1 Endereye's 
then try throwing a stack of 2 or more. 
You cant cancel the first one / get any data on it as it was used before you could access it.

ender pearls are working normally

Version: 3661
Plugin: Not Applicable
Guidelines Read: Yes


Here is the situation:
Im trying to check when a player right clicks an Ender_Eye (and check if it has my custom data and all that)

And let me preface that I'm not a new developer or anything, I just want to ensure nothing has changed from 1.19.2-1.19.3 that I'm not heretical about.

  • I can trigger my event to see whats in my hands (interact event, left click) and i get the following:
    PlayerInteractEventItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{ENDER_EYE x 1}

     (offhand, main hand) which is correct, the main hand contains an endereye


  • i can trigger the same with a different consumable like an enderpearl and get the following:
    PlayerInteractEventItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{ENDER_PEARL x 1} 

    (also correct)


Here is where the issue is:
I spend the ender pearl (right click / trigger its throw)
Ender pearl: 

PlayerInteractEventItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{ENDER_PEARL x 1} 

(this reflects the pearl)


PlayerInteractEventItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{AIR x 0}

(this SHOULD) reflect the ender eye, but it does not.


This is my check as a snippet: so you can see what im replicating:

    public void on(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
        Plugin.info("PlayerInteractEvent" + e.getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInOffHand() + " " + e.getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInMainHand());

and here is a gif of the situation:
as you can see the interaction reflects the pearls correctly, but does not reflect the eyes correctly.
https://gfycat.com/UnluckyPositiveCobra (you can see it in hd if you click the little hd button)


Now, i already looked around but i could have totally missed the change if you changed where this event trigger for endereyes is, but i dont think thats the prpblem, nor do I think you would change that.

Comment by md_5 [ 10/Mar/23 ]

The problem is due to client packets there are multiple events triggered. Check that the event is the one you want (right click). That one has the correct amount

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