[SPIGOT-7196] Multiverse-Core exception loading worlds with 1.19.3 Created: 07/Dec/22  Updated: 25/Dec/24  Resolved: 08/Dec/22

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Bobcat00 Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 1
Labels: None

Windows 10

Version: 3611-Spigot-61bffe0-19e6be0 (MC: 1.19.3)
Plugin: Multiverse-Core
Guidelines Read: Yes


Multiverse-Core gets an exception for each "non-standard" world with 1.19.3 (i.e., it works for the three main worlds). The worlds are not loaded, which causes additional problems.

Exception - https://pastebin.com/mFP1RdwU
This exception is repeated for each world.

This version of MultiverseCore and the world files work fine in 1.19.2.

Comment by SlimeDog [ 22/Dec/22 ]

Please post a link to the new ticket.

Comment by SlimeDog [ 22/Dec/22 ]

It is not that difficult. On a running server, type:

> version
> version Multiverse-Core

and post the results.

Comment by Ethan Voraritskul [ 22/Dec/22 ]

Note that my issue still persists, otherwise i would not have made this comment. I downloaded the latest version using buildtools an hour or so ago, and used it as a custom jar in my apex server. No worlds would load because of this exact issue. I guess ill make a new ticket.

Comment by SlimeDog [ 22/Dec/22 ]

Note that this issue has been resolved.

Please report actual versions – "latest" is not a version. This issue was fixed within a few hours, with Spigot 1.19.3-3616 (we're now on Spigot 1.19.3-3627). No changes to Multiverse-Core were required.

Comment by Doc [ 22/Dec/22 ]

IceColdCombos you test in the last version? if so then can you open another issue with the logs and the version of server.

Comment by Ethan Voraritskul [ 22/Dec/22 ]

I am having the exact same issue. Loading latest version of spigot 1.19.3 and latest version of multiverse. Using apex hosting. Will not load any worlds besides when I name it world and force it to load.

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