[SPIGOT-708] Redstone lag Created: 15/Mar/15  Updated: 15/Mar/15  Resolved: 15/Mar/15

Status: Closed
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Marczinkó András Assignee: Thinkofname
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Labels: 1.8, blocks, redstone, spigot

Intel Xeon processzor, 6,6 GB RAM, Linux(Multicraft)


The players create massive amount of lag with this contraption:

Comment by Thinkofname [ 15/Mar/15 ]

Redstone is generally laggy, we've limited it as much as we can already

Comment by SpigotMC [ 15/Mar/15 ]

Your build is not the latest and therefore may be the reason you are having this issue. Spigot is 7 version(s) behind. CraftBukkit is 19 version(s) behind. This message was automatically generated and is not guaranteed to be a solution to your issue.

Generated at Fri Mar 14 14:36:09 UTC 2025 using Jira 10.3.3#10030003-sha1:d220e3fefc8dfc6d47f522d3b9a20c1455e12b7b.