[SPIGOT-4775] Chunk Loading Errors on 3 Different Servers Created: 26/Apr/19  Updated: 26/Apr/19  Resolved: 26/Apr/19

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Nick S Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Incomplete Votes: 0
Labels: chunk, chunkload, despawn, mobs, visual

3 different servers:

1) Hosted on a minecraft host, upgraded from 1.13.2 to 1.14 using --forceUpgrade

2) Hosted on another Minecraft host, generated using 1.14pre5

3) A locally hosted server, using the map from server 2, running on maximum resources

Each server has 6GB of RAM and a fairly recent i7 processor, and resources on the servers are not being over utilized. The computer has 16GB of RAM, and a very new i7 processor as well. Multiple gigabytes free on each disk too.

The reason I used these three different environments was to check if the problem was persistent or if it was caused by a lack of resources/processing power.

Attachments: File Minecraft2019.04.25- (3).mp4     PNG File bug.png     PNG File bug2.png    
Issue Links:
is cloned by SPIGOT-4780 CLONE - Chunk Loading Errors on 3 Dif... Resolved
Version: git-Spigot-47463c2-6de3aa1 (MC: 1.14)
Plugin: N/A
Guidelines Read: Yes


Once spawned into any of these three servers, start flying in a straight line (direction doesn't matter) for about 500 blocks. As I start to go further and further from spawn (still only maybe 20 chunks away though in the screenshot below) the server starts to load chunks randomly.

Past a certain point on all 3 servers, the world would completely stop rendering or loading chunks,  but will render mobs still, leaving them floating in space above a void.

Max resource usage on the local server was about 20% CPU and 2GB ram, even while I was flying to new chunks.

The picture is maybe 200 blocks away from spawn, and if I sit there for a couple minutes the chunks won't start loading either. I also included a video of the specific phenomenon if you need, but hopefully the screenshot below shows how significant the visual errors are. ESPECIALLY THE VIDEO.

Comment by md_5 [ 26/Apr/19 ]

The bug report instructions are very clear 

Comment by Nick S [ 26/Apr/19 ]

I added one more picture, which is actually a loading error in the MIDDLE of my building area (As you can see by the planks on the right). I'm staring straight down at a chunk that's supposed to be loaded.

Comment by Nick S [ 26/Apr/19 ]

@Black Hole

I re-ran buidltools, and placed the new server.jar on the different test environments. The problem is still occurring. I have updated the screenshot to the latest version, and have updated the versioning in the ticket.

Comment by Black Hole [ 26/Apr/19 ]

You're using an outdated build. Please try to reproduce with the most recent one.

Comment by Nick S [ 26/Apr/19 ]

This looks like a more expanded version of SPIGOT-4764 and the very sparsely written SPIGOT-4763

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