[SPIGOT-4719] Broken custom chest inventory Created: 23/Apr/19  Updated: 24/Apr/19  Resolved: 24/Apr/19

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Zrips Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce Votes: 0
Labels: 1.14, inventory

Java 1.8.0 (181)

Attachments: PNG File InvBug.png     PNG File invBug2.png    
Issue Links:
duplicates SPIGOT-4718 Can not create Inventory with an cust... Resolved
Version: git-Spigot-6dbf995-364b6fb (MC: 1.14 Pre-Release 5) (Implementing API version 1.14-pre5-SNAPSHOT)
Guidelines Read: Yes


It seems that having chest inventory above 27 size will cause item duplication. It looks like items have been shifted from main inventory to custom one starting from 4th line. 

Bukkit.getPlayer("Zrips").openInventory(Bukkit.createInventory(null, 54, "Test"));

Original players inventory


Some what related to issue #4718

Comment by md_5 [ 24/Apr/19 ]

Probably a duplicate.

Comment by LoneDev [ 23/Apr/19 ]

Same issue, I can confirm this happens on 1.14 Spigot release

Comment by md_5 [ 23/Apr/19 ]

This ticket does not explain the issue at all.


Follow the instructions.

Comment by Nassim [ 23/Apr/19 ]

probably relates to https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-4718

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