[SPIGOT-4675] BlockState Inventory#.setItem() doesn't set Created: 21/Mar/19  Updated: 21/Mar/19  Resolved: 21/Mar/19

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Moses Mister Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Invalid Votes: 0
Labels: 1.13, Craftbukkit, blocks, bug, bukkit

Multiple computers tried running different OS and hardware including Windows 7, Windows 10, KUbuntu, Intel I5 6600K, Intel Pentium 2020U, Intel Atom (Unknown version), 4-12GB of RAM

Version: git-Bukkit-d3ed151
Plugin: Ships
Guidelines Read: Yes

Furnace furnace = (Furnace)block.getState();
ItemStack is = ItemStack(Material.OBSIDIAN, 1);
ItemStack is2 = furnace.getInventory().getItem(this.position);
furnace.getInventory().setItem(this.position, is);
System.out.println("Setting Position: " + this.position + " was " + is2 + " to " + is + ".");
furnace.update(true, true);
System.out.println("\t" + furnace.getInventory().getItem(this.position));

I have tried this code on 1.12.2 and all versions of 1.13.2 for Spigot, the 1.12.2 works correctly however does not work with 1.13.2. Ive known about this issue since the first release for 1.13.2 however never got round to creating the issue.


This is the output given on 1.13.2

20:14:54 INFO]: Setting Position: 0 was null to ItemStack{OBSIDIAN x 1}.
[20:14:54 INFO]:        null

Comment by md_5 [ 21/Mar/19 ]

If you’re calling update you must use the snapshot inventory

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