[SPIGOT-4501] Server crashed with no reasons(stopped responding) Created: 24/Nov/18  Updated: 19/Dec/19  Resolved: 19/Dec/19

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: jintong li Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Done Votes: 3
Labels: 1.12, bug, cache, crashed, spigot

Ubuntu 4.03.01 x64

JRE 1.8.0_191

2 core cpu,4gigs of ram

Attachments: Text File another_crash.log     Text File latest.log    
Version: git-Spigot-e8ded36-acbc348 (MC: 1.12.2)
Plugin: i didn't see any plugins were causing the crash.
Guidelines Read: Yes


Just suddenly crashed when i was playing.

Comment by md_5 [ 19/Dec/19 ]

Ticket too outdated at this point (MC 1.15.1 is the current version).

Comment by Binary Banana [ 28/Aug/19 ]

Resolved? (From last response this seems to have been fixed in a previous version)

Comment by Nate Roynan [ 27/Apr/19 ]

I found the remaking the spigot jar resolved this issue. No idea why but something to try if your having this.

Comment by Nate Roynan [ 26/Apr/19 ]

I am getting this same issue whenever anyone goes to the spawn of our server. It just times the entire server out.

  • no plugins in the crash
  • tried replacing those regions to regenerate the chunks
  • generated a fresh new world
  • latest buildtools
Comment by PrzemoVi [ 08/Feb/19 ]

Are you using custom start-flags?

Try starting server only with basic flags:  java -Xms... -Xmx... -jar ...


Some time ago i experienced similar issue, and after disabling G1GC everything is back to normal.

G1GC was "pausing" entire server.

Comment by Oliver [ 03/Jan/19 ]

Hey, I think you have too many plugins, your cpu can't handle that. Try to start the server with only one permission plugin. If that doesn't work you could reinstall your Ubuntu. Good Luck! Liontix


Comment by Julia Fox [ 25/Nov/18 ]

Can you reproduce this issue? Because from what it seems the server dies because a synchronous task/thread gets stuck while running. Try disabling plugins that use databases and or update those that aren't to the latest version and see if this can be reproduced. Otherwise this isn't a Bukkit/Spigot issue as far as I can see and hence doesn't belong here.

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