[SPIGOT-4146] Inventory title not being parsed for colours Created: 24/Jul/18  Updated: 25/Jul/18  Resolved: 24/Jul/18

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Remco van Hooff Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Invalid Votes: 0
Labels: Color, Craftbukkit, Inventory

Version: 1.13-pre6


Someone had started a thread about coloured text not showing up in inventories opened using plugins. Whilst looking through the source I saw the following line:

player.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutOpenWindow(container.windowId, windowType, new ChatComponentText(title), size));

Whilst the open window packet does support coloured text (it is a Chat field and not a string field), the text gets directly inserted in a new ChatComponentText instead of first parsing the old chat format (paragraph sign + code) using the already available methods in Bukkit! This code is stated in:

CraftHumanEntity#openCustomInventory(Inventory, EntityPlayer, String)

The fix is by changing that line to something like the following:

player.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutOpenWindow(container.windowId, windowType, CraftChatMessage.fromString(title)[0], size));

Comment by md_5 [ 25/Jul/18 ]


Comment by md_5 [ 24/Jul/18 ]

This is what we send:

[08:25:07 INFO]: {"extra":[



And the client doesn't render with colour.

That's a client bug/feature.

Comment by md_5 [ 24/Jul/18 ]

Sid you test that fix?
The client is still meant to parse legacy codes in text components

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