[SPIGOT-3376] [Functions] /Function causes an "unknown error" & when used in a gameLoopFunction causes server to crash Created: 25/Jun/17  Updated: 25/Jun/17  Resolved: 25/Jun/17

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Knight Sun Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: Issue, bug, command, crash, critical, fatal, function, functions, gameLoopFunction, major, spigot

Windows 7, June 25th release of Spigot 1.12.jar

Attachments: Zip Archive KotS_Functions.zip    


I'm labeling this as Critical because if any server updates to today's version of Spigot and had a gameLoopFunction that was using /function, the server WILL NOT RUN. The server can not be started until the gameLoopFunction.mcfunction's file name or location is edited as to not run & crash the server.

I have provided a zip that has SayTest.mcfunction & SayTestGameLoop.mcfunction.


say Test


function kots_functions:saytest

If SayTest.mcfunction is used as a /function command, it will not work. If it is used as a gameLoopFunction, it will work.

If SayTestGameLoop.mcfunction is used as a gameLoopFunction, the server will crash and can not boot up again until the SayTestGameLoop.mcfunction file name or location is altered.


The contents of KotS_Functions.zip is to be placed into the functions folder. So, once implemented, your file structure should look like this:

|  data
|  |  functions
|  |  |  KotS_Functions
|  |  |  |  SayTest.mcfunction
|  |  |  |  SayTestGameLoop.mcfunction

Comment by md_5 [ 25/Jun/17 ]

This did not even cause the server to crash

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