[SPIGOT-3105] BlockFadeEvent not fired for snow block melting Created: 07/Mar/17 Updated: 08/Mar/17 Resolved: 08/Mar/17 |
Status: | Resolved |
Project: | Spigot |
Component/s: | None |
Affects Version/s: | None |
Fix Version/s: | None |
Type: | Bug | Priority: | Minor |
Reporter: | Carter | Assignee: | Unassigned |
Resolution: | Fixed | Votes: | 0 |
Labels: | blocks, event |
Description |
Snow blocks don't melt under normal conditions, but can melt if there are lighting errors. I ran into this recently when snow blocks still had a light level. I caused the lighting error with a plugin, however this could happen with any lighting error. The snow block melting drops snowballs and triggers a BlockPhysicsEvent, however the block still melts even when the physics event is cancelled. A BlockFadeEvent is not fired either. |
Comments |
Comment by Carter [ 08/Mar/17 ] |
@md_5 This problem is with actual blocks of snow (ID 80) when there is lighting remaining inside the block. Here's some code that demonstrates it: @EventHandler public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent e){ if(!e.getPlayer().isOp() || !e.getMessage().equals("test")) return; final Location l = e.getPlayer().getLocation(); final int SNOW = 80; new BukkitRunnable(){ @Override public void run(){ for(int x = -5;x < 5;x++){ for(int z = -5;z < 5;z++){ final BlockPosition bp = new BlockPosition(l.getBlockX() + x,l.getBlockY(),l.getBlockZ() + z); ((CraftChunk)l.getChunk()).getHandle().a(bp,Block.getByCombinedId(SNOW)); ((CraftWorld)l.getWorld()).getHandle().a(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK,bp,15); } } } }.runTask(this); e.getPlayer().sendMessage("Relog to see changes."); } |
Comment by md_5 [ 07/Mar/17 ] |
[07:55:24 INFO]: org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent@18224a0[cancelled=false,newState=org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState@ce887f79,block=CraftBlock{chunk=CraftChunk {x=-6z=31},x=-83,y=55,z=506,type=SNOW,data=0},name=<null>,async=false] |
Comment by md_5 [ 07/Mar/17 ] |
Snow melting does have an event - place a torch next to snow: if (world.getBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, blockposition) > 11) { // CraftBukkit start if (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockFadeEvent(world.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ()), Blocks.AIR).isCancelled()) { return; } // CraftBukkit end this.b(world, blockposition, world.getType(blockposition), 0); world.setAir(blockposition); } Thats why I'm asking for clarification about how to trigger this "bug" |
Comment by Carter [ 07/Mar/17 ] |
@md_5 It seems advisable that snow block melting/fading should either be treated like every other block fade or shouldn't happen at all. |
Comment by md_5 [ 07/Mar/17 ] |
You sound like you're suggesting an event be fired when the bug MC-88097 is triggered, or am I missing something. |