[SPIGOT-2826] Shulker box has a rare chance to lose it's items upon placement. Created: 22/Nov/16  Updated: 22/Nov/16  Resolved: 22/Nov/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: LightningShock Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Invalid Votes: 0
Labels: 1.11, blocks, bug, spigot

Attachments: Text File crash-2016-11-22_13.36.14-client.txt    


I put my full diamond set in a shulker box then the box in an ender
chest. Later I took the box(with items still inside as seen in F3+H), I
placed it, and boom, empty. Picked it back up, still empty. This
happened on a multiplayer server which i don't own. The only plugins installed are coreprotect and PlayerHeads.

Comment by Freyr LePage [ 22/Nov/16 ]

There's a video here of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf_BDpiEE1k
I managed to reproduce a few times by placing and then immediately breaking the box, and sometimes with the method from that video, but never consistently. Sometimes it happens and sometimes not, and no pattern that I can discern yet.

Comment by Freyr LePage [ 22/Nov/16 ]

This happened to me too, on a server also running core protect. The funny thing is there were two shulker boxes next to each other, both with items in. One lost its items (and name - I'm pretty sure I had given it a custom name), and the other didn't.

No idea how to reproduce, but I hope this data point will help.

Comment by md_5 [ 22/Nov/16 ]

Server outdated; Plugins installed; Unreliable reproduction steps; Unclear if vanilla bug.

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