[SPIGOT-2719] Redstone comparator / Observer not in BlockRedstoneEvent Created: 08/Oct/16  Updated: 09/Aug/18  Resolved: 09/Aug/18

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Amosar Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: blocks, event, spigot

Attachments: File BlockObserver.patch     File BlockRedstoneComparator.patch    


In a plugin I need to check redstone Update but Redstone comparator don't call the BlockRedstoneEvent if it's update.

Comment by Amosar [ 09/Aug/18 ]

The compilation error just been a misunderstanding on my side of how to compile spigot.

And I understand, I have update my PR because I have do another mistake with the first submission.

Comment by md_5 [ 08/Aug/18 ]

How come it won't compile?

Unfortunately we cannot accept patches unless via PR for legal reasons

Comment by Amosar [ 28/Jul/18 ]

The problem is still present on 1.13. I have tried to fix this with patchs based on BlockDiodeAbstract patch but I'm not able to compile Spigot with it. I'll retry later if you prefer cleaner PR.

Comment by Amosar [ 28/Jan/18 ]

This bug is still present on 1.12.2

Comment by Amosar [ 17/Oct/16 ]

The repeater is in the BlockRedstoneEvent.

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