[SPIGOT-2366] Nether portal is not generating Created: 09/Jun/16  Updated: 05/Sep/17  Resolved: 09/Jun/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: WolfezzBlazer Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 2
Labels: 1.10


On a fresh new world when entering the nether the nether portal in the nether is not generating and sometimes you'll spawn into blocks

Comment by thommy101 [ 09/Jun/16 ]

Tested on a local server, my proposed fix works and teleports to the correct places again.
Created pullrequest #271

Comment by thommy101 [ 09/Jun/16 ]

My guess is that lines 183-185 of PortalTravelAgent (CraftBukkit/nms-patches/PortalTravelAgent.patch) needs to be changed.
The line 169 has changed the order of the variables from:
d2, d3, d4, entity.jaw, entity.pitch
d2, d5, d3, entity.jaw, entity.pitch

Comment by Hunter [ 09/Jun/16 ]

I am also having this same problem on my server. I spawn at Y=200+ and about 300 blocks away from the portal in the overworld.

Comment by Dev [ 09/Jun/16 ]

Every single nether portal in our 1.9 world now teleports you to below the bedrock in 1.10. Good thing we only had a few people lose everything first. Rolled back to 1.9.4 in the mean time, our users each have their own nether portal to get back to town from living far far away. Nether portals are completely borked. I should add that we're using Multiverse and I haven't tested anything one at a time to troubleshoot, just first impression.

Comment by WolfezzBlazer [ 09/Jun/16 ]

Same when leaving nether with a nether portal to overworld, I spawned at y=270

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