[SPIGOT-2291] RANDOM Chunk Load and Unload, even with no plugins! Created: 19/May/16  Updated: 11/Dec/17  Resolved: 19/May/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Bogdan Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Invalid Votes: 0
Labels: 1.9, chunks, spigot

OVH, MC-32 (Ubuntu 16.04 (x64), Java 8)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYKW6AxbIJg&feature=youtu.be (no plugins, Only Multiworld, HD and Protocolib + Litebans for server lockdown)

https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/chunk-update-and-holographicdisplays-plugin-lag.148503/ (With all 80+ plugins)

http://i.imgur.com/WoCtWG3.png - How i detect (cause server TPS is extremly dropped)

Comment by Bogdan [ 19/May/16 ]

How i cant test this issue withou plugins?

Comment by Bogdan [ 19/May/16 ]

1 moar video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFjX7ELOUmA&feature=youtu.be

I dk why this happens. Even Chunk Anchor cant help me (Craftbook Mechanic, fires chunk unload events and makes this chunk to never unload)

but this new build much better than old one.

Comment by Bogdan [ 19/May/16 ]

Sorry, Tested with 4 plugins that working good on previous versions of Spigot.

When i make a new build of Spigot - i think the bug is fixed. But i found 1 more place, where chunk load many times. https://timings.spigotmc.org/?url=16505816
and video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YVtrbFT5-s&feature=youtu.be
Cnunk -1,7 is good! but 0,7 - glitchy.

Comment by md_5 [ 19/May/16 ]

I have no idea how you can say "occurs with no plugins", when every piece of evidence you have provided shows plugins....

Comment by Bogdan [ 19/May/16 ]

Updated to Latest spigot, the same issue. Some chunks not updating and some rapidly updating 10x times per second.

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