[SPIGOT-1826] Scoreboard name colours appear everywhere except for in chat! (It works just fine when PMing, in Tab, death messages etc.) Created: 07/Mar/16  Updated: 11/Dec/17

Status: Open
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Priority: Minor
Reporter: IceBurgers Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 7
Labels: chat, scoreboard, spigot, teams, vanilla


I believe this issue was brought up a year ago but I would like to resurface it as it was not resolved for any good reason.

There are many servers out there using spigot due to its efficient multiplayer resource management, but want to maintain a lot of Minecraft's vanilla components.

One of these is scoreboards. The reason given before was that it would clash with plugins, which I can't see being the case. If it really was the case, a simple toggle option would go a great way as it is a feature of vanilla Minecraft.

1. /scoreboard teams add yellowtest
2. /scoreboard teams option yellowtest color red
3. /scoreboard teams join yellowtest
4. Look in tab / die / private message someone? Colour red appears as your name
5. Speak in chat? White name

Would be greatly appreciated if there was a work around to this issue without having to use up more server resources with a chat plugin!

Thank you

Comment by Matthew Stengel [ 22/Apr/16 ]

Paper added this recently with commit: https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper/commit/44a1d43781efe9792299457685731847b1a93e92

Would it be possible to add to Spigot proper?

Comment by dsfeagle [ 18/Mar/16 ]

it's inconsistent, either use it everywhere or nowhere
preferably everywhere on default so we don't have to download yet another plugin for something simple
I'm sure it's not too hard to include a if else statement if plugin wants to change color then let it, else use scoreboard teams

Comment by Matthew Stengel [ 08/Mar/16 ]

Being able to have vanilla chat behavior in spigot would be an excellent feature, preferably toggle-able between vanilla and spigot in spigot.yml

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