[SPIGOT-1632] End Dragons Dont Spawn Created: 02/Mar/16  Updated: 02/Mar/16  Resolved: 02/Mar/16

Status: Closed
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Ashley White Assignee: Thinkofname
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 2
Labels: 1.9


Create new world (end)
Dragon spawns automatically
Kill the dragon
Respawn the dragon by placing 4 crystals
Everything is working fine so far
Kill the dragon (portal opens up)
Restart the server while the portal is open
Spawning the dragon now becomes impossible, crystals have no effect

Would it be possible to spawn a dragon with AI? Methods that used to work, like World::spawnEntity, now only spawn a potato dragon.

Comment by Ian Jay [ 02/Mar/16 ]

I've been having the same issue. But after spending some time on it, I think I'ev figured out the problem:
Spigot is not writing the proper NBT data to the level.dat when the server is shut down.

There's a "DimensionData" folder under "Data" that stores information pertaining to The End; if the dragon is currently dead, how many times it was killed prior, gateway coordinates, etc. When I moved the level.dat off my server and dug into it, I found the DimensionData folder was entirely empty. I injected the proper data to that .dat by remaking the world in SSP (ie. dragon still alive, no previous kills). When I boot up the server, this resutls in the dragon always being alive, and the crystals properly working to respawn it... but it, of course, still fails to write to the data on server-stop, so it never remembers how many times I've killed it during uptime.

Comment by Andrew Smith [ 02/Mar/16 ]

I can set it on fire with flint. I doubt that is the problem (no protections on). I am not getting flames when placing them in the proper spots.

Comment by Ashley White [ 02/Mar/16 ]

I have fire effect, still no change. Check your plugins for fire protection maybe?

Comment by Andrew Smith [ 02/Mar/16 ]

Can confirm this is happening, on newly generated worlds and old worlds as well. The fire effect that should occur when placing an end crystal does not occur for any crystal placed.

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