[SPIGOT-1143] CLONE - Itemstack block NBT Created: 23/Aug/15  Updated: 25/Jun/16  Resolved: 25/Jun/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Priority: Major
Reporter: Manuel S Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 3
Labels: blocks, item, nbt

Issue Links:
clones SPIGOT-441 Itemstack block NBT Resolved


There needs to be some way to set/modify block data on an item stack, as in the kind of thing when you Ctrl+pickblock on a block with NBT data and it holds that data on the item for next time you place it.
It would also be nice to add a way to modify block NBT tags without delving into NMS.
Sorry if duplicate, I did search already.

Comment by md_5 [ 25/Jun/16 ]

NBT is not API.

Comment by Meyer Zinn [ 21/Jan/16 ]

I agree, this would be useful. Right now I use the AttributeStorage library from aadnk but it'd be amazing if I could drop that dependency.

Comment by Manuel S [ 24/Aug/15 ]

I think I understood the original report a bit different. What I want is the possibility to add custom nbt tags to itemstacks. As example when you execute this command in vanilla:

/give @p stone 1 0 {CustomTag:1}

you get an item with a custom nbt tag in your inventory. When you now pick up a normal stone, they won't stack. This gives you the oppertunity to have some sort of item differation and I think this is very useful for many plugins.

(I think I will make a own issue for that, then...)

Comment by Black Hole [ 23/Aug/15 ]

After SPIGOT-441 was closed BlockStateMeta was introduced. Take a look at it and describe what you're missing from that API.

Comment by Manuel S [ 23/Aug/15 ]

I want to reopen this issue, because in vanilla you can tag itemstacks with custom tags so they don't stack or other things, so why don't implement this in spigot?. I know that md_5 said under the original report, that this doesn't belong into an API, but it's a huge part of the itemstack system, so I think it should be implemented... Also the block e.g. have a metadata API, but the itemstacks not...

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