[SPIGOT-111] Hopper ticking to fast Created: 03/Dec/14  Updated: 07/Mar/15  Resolved: 07/Mar/15

Status: Closed
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: mmuziek Assignee: Thinkofname
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 19
Labels: None

Windows server 2008 enterprise,java 8 compiled on java jdk 1.8.0_20
No plugins active


Hello. the hopper ticking (item transfer rate) is extremely high.
such high rate that comparators sometimes cannot follow it and toggle
and if they toggle it burns out redstone torches and lamps.

after placing the hopper 12 times i got 1 set working but if there is a server restart or i place them again its trouble all over again.
i imported the main world from vanilla but it also happens on other worlds generated by spigot itself (with multiverse)

Comment by Thinkofname [ 07/Mar/15 ]

Removed one of the hopper patches in 1.8.3 which I think caused this. Hopefully its fixed

Comment by Chadrick [ 27/Jan/15 ]

weird did you need to replace the hoppers once you patched it or did they auto fix? my sorter and auto-smelter are still only half working

Comment by val59000 [ 27/Jan/15 ]

These options fixed it for me :
hopper-alt-ticking: true
hopper-transfer: 7
hopper-check: 7
hopper-amount: 1

But I have still the issue that hopper clocks (2 hoppers facing each other) stop ticking when unloading then reloading the chunk.

Comment by Chadrick [ 27/Jan/15 ]

Thank you but that did not seem to help either still broken using this:

hopper-alt-ticking: true
hopper-transfer: 7
hopper-check: 7
hopper-amount: 1

Comment by mmuziek [ 26/Jan/15 ]

that did not solve my problem. it keeps getting MEGA HIGH SPEED after a chunck reload or server restart

Comment by Joseph Domshy [ 21/Jan/15 ]

https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-333?focusedCommentId=11424&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-11424 has a solution to this issue.

Comment by Chadrick [ 10/Jan/15 ]

Hope this gets resolved, everything that relies on hoppers does not work. Only way to get a broken hopper to work is keep breaking it and placing it back until it works. But if you leave the chunk or server restarts it randomly breaks/fixes hoppers.

Comment by AgentLV [ 01/Jan/15 ]

This Bug also occurs when Worldguard regions overlap. Where they overlap, the hoppers disapear.

Comment by val59000 [ 01/Jan/15 ]

It would be nice if this bug didn't occur when hopper-alt-ticking is set to false too.

Comment by Aaron Krill [ 29/Dec/14 ]

Had this problem over on Merecraft using git-Spigot-13716d9-0899683. Solution was to enable hopper alt-ticking. Somewhat annoying, but in the end it's a more performant solution anyway.

Comment by val59000 [ 27/Dec/14 ]

This also makes item sorter buggy. instead of pulsating when filtering, the hopper which is connected to the comparator outputs sometimes a pulsating signal, sometimes a constant signal and sometimes no signal at all when it doesn't even pull the items for filtering. Anyway Redstone has always been rather buggy under spigot.

Comment by val59000 [ 23/Dec/14 ]

Confirmed as of build git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957

It happens randomly on hopper clocks.
To fix it you have to break and rebuild the clock manually multiple times until it's ticking normally.
Sometimes it bugs even more, one of the two hoppers outputs a constant redstone signal and the other one doesn't output anything with a comparator.

Video showing the bug.
On the left, the normal ticking rate, on the right the buggy ticking rate.

Comment by ceagle2 [ 18/Dec/14 ]

Mainly seems to affect hoppers with 1-2 items in them, while hoppers with 3+ items SEEM to tick normally - for example clocks with two Hoppers facing each other, A gives it to B, and B seems to give it back to A one tick later - not sure though if it's one Gametick or one Redstonetick (2 Gameticks), but I think, it's at most one Gametick, due to Comparators not reading the item inside Hopper B at all.

Even though this isn't really a fix, but after playing around with the settings hopper-transfer and hopper-check in spigot.yml - I may just have been lucky, but the issue almost (though not entirely) vanished for existing hoppers when I changed the settings to:

hopper-transfer: 6
hopper-check: 10

I just noticed on a testserver (pre-1.8 testworld) that with transfer being lower than check, the issue seems to be less frequent. 6 and 10 should have been almost identical to the default values in terms of noticeability, but when implementing this change to our liveserver, one of our players noticed some of his hoppers to transfer items too quickly, compared to 1.7 - so I increased the two values. Everything from 7/11 to 9/13 made it worse, and on 10/14 it suddenly got a lot better - most devices using hoppers suddenly worked, even though hoppers were slower due to those settings.

But as I said, we may just have been lucky there - changing values around so much might have been the actual solution. Are information like "update this and this block at tick now+x" stored when a server shuts down? I also played around with clear-tick-list and hopper-alt-ticking (the latter of which only worked the first time; after that, it made hoppers not do anything at all anymore), so this partial workaround might not actually be helpful. I just thought I'd share those information anyway.

Comment by AgentLV [ 16/Dec/14 ]

This could also be relavant: http://www.spigotmc.org/threads/hopper-chunk-bug.38960/

Comment by Andrew Smith [ 16/Dec/14 ]

Certainly a Hopper issue on my server as well since update. I can go back to 1.7 and not see same issues.

Comment by mmuziek [ 15/Dec/14 ]

with me it happens all over the world i have to replace some hoppers every restart to make them work normally

Comment by FearThe1337 [ 15/Dec/14 ]

Haven't noticed it myself. Perhaps someone could upload an affected map/chunk? (with coordinates of where it is)

Comment by No [ 15/Dec/14 ]

Confirmed on the Craftbukkit version of 1.8 also

Comment by Yan Bedard [ 15/Dec/14 ]

Still occuring in git-Spigot-612de46-07c2162 (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) This bug breaks hoppers as item at certain areas, this should be rated as important

Comment by Yan Bedard [ 04/Dec/14 ]

Noticed fast hopper tick in my server too, in certain areas they instabreak if you put an item inside

Comment by mmuziek [ 03/Dec/14 ]

it also happens on worlds from earlyer spigot versions that now run on 1.8 spigot

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