Minecraft ** Full Server Tick Time: 46733299800 Count: 426 Avg: 109702581 Violations: 707 Player List Time: 165400 Count: 426 Avg: 388 Violations: 0 Command Functions Time: 370074500 Count: 426 Avg: 868719 Violations: 4 Connection Handler Time: 11033058600 Count: 426 Avg: 25899198 Violations: 215 ** PlayerConnection Time: 292124000 Count: 544 Avg: 536992 Violations: 2 Tickables Time: 2303600 Count: 426 Avg: 5407 Violations: 0 Scheduler Time: 110519400 Count: 426 Avg: 259435 Violations: 0 Time Update Time: 961400 Count: 426 Avg: 2256 Violations: 0 Server Command Time: 992400 Count: 426 Avg: 2329 Violations: 0 ** entityMove Time: 221593000 Count: 4949 Avg: 44775 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity Time: 228205800 Count: 9913 Avg: 23020 Violations: 0 ** activatedTickEntity Time: 224152300 Count: 8022 Avg: 27942 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity Time: 5231100 Count: 852 Avg: 6139 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityBaseTick Time: 136236800 Count: 2233 Avg: 61010 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityAI Time: 12875200 Count: 1807 Avg: 7125 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityAICollision Time: 3861800 Count: 1807 Avg: 2137 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityAIMove Time: 46389200 Count: 1807 Avg: 25671 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityTickRest Time: 3402600 Count: 2233 Avg: 1523 Violations: 0 processQueue Time: 309900 Count: 426 Avg: 727 Violations: 0 ** Plugins Time: 16928200 Count: 2527 Avg: 6698 Violations: 0 ** Scheduler - Sync Tasks Time: 101943200 Count: 3761 Avg: 27105 Violations: 0 ** playerCommand Time: 151716400 Count: 3 Avg: 50572133 Violations: 2 entityActivationCheck Time: 6354400 Count: 1278 Avg: 4972 Violations: 0 ** checkIfActive Time: 1035800 Count: 9913 Avg: 104 Violations: 0 ** Command: timings Time: 146183700 Count: 1 Avg: 146183700 Violations: 2 ** world - doChunkUnload Time: 10325300 Count: 426 Avg: 24237 Violations: 0 ** world - doTickPending Time: 185164800 Count: 426 Avg: 434659 Violations: 0 ** world - doTickTiles Time: 27341700 Count: 107226 Avg: 254 Violations: 0 ** world - doChunkMap Time: 85335800 Count: 426 Avg: 200318 Violations: 0 ** world - doSounds Time: 151900 Count: 426 Avg: 356 Violations: 0 ** world - entityTick Time: 91819800 Count: 426 Avg: 215539 Violations: 0 ** world - tileEntityTick Time: 9222100 Count: 426 Avg: 21648 Violations: 0 ** world - tileEntityPending Time: 146800 Count: 426 Avg: 344 Violations: 0 ** world - syncChunkLoad Time: 50677600 Count: 21283 Avg: 2381 Violations: 0 world - tracker Time: 24567367300 Count: 426 Avg: 57669876 Violations: 443 world - doTick Time: 34572577200 Count: 426 Avg: 81156284 Violations: 473 world - tickEntities Time: 98142600 Count: 426 Avg: 230381 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - doChunkUnload Time: 748800 Count: 426 Avg: 1757 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - doTickPending Time: 19072400 Count: 426 Avg: 44770 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - doChunkMap Time: 1008100 Count: 426 Avg: 2366 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - doSounds Time: 75300 Count: 426 Avg: 176 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - entityTick Time: 45713400 Count: 426 Avg: 107308 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - tileEntityTick Time: 299800 Count: 426 Avg: 703 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - tileEntityPending Time: 79200 Count: 426 Avg: 185 Violations: 0 ** world_nether - syncChunkLoad Time: 650700 Count: 604 Avg: 1077 Violations: 0 world_nether - tracker Time: 4922600 Count: 426 Avg: 11555 Violations: 0 world_nether - doTick Time: 309669100 Count: 426 Avg: 726922 Violations: 0 world_nether - tickEntities Time: 46244100 Count: 426 Avg: 108554 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - doChunkUnload Time: 492600 Count: 426 Avg: 1156 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - doTickPending Time: 5532400 Count: 426 Avg: 12986 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - doChunkMap Time: 1338600 Count: 426 Avg: 3142 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - doSounds Time: 87800 Count: 426 Avg: 206 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - entityTick Time: 96946900 Count: 426 Avg: 227574 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - tileEntityTick Time: 227100 Count: 426 Avg: 533 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - tileEntityPending Time: 57800 Count: 426 Avg: 135 Violations: 0 ** world_the_end - syncChunkLoad Time: 3023300 Count: 6229 Avg: 485 Violations: 0 world_the_end - tracker Time: 1956600 Count: 426 Avg: 4592 Violations: 0 world_the_end - doTick Time: 324284400 Count: 426 Avg: 761230 Violations: 0 world_the_end - tickEntities Time: 98899600 Count: 426 Avg: 232158 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityBeacon Time: 5153600 Count: 852 Avg: 6048 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityArmorStand Time: 9553700 Count: 304 Avg: 31426 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityStrider Time: 42971700 Count: 378 Avg: 113681 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityEnderCrystal Time: 6353500 Count: 4260 Avg: 1491 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityEnderDragon Time: 87775500 Count: 426 Avg: 206045 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinUpdateTracker$NPCNavigationUpdater(interval:1) Time: 378200 Count: 426 Avg: 887 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinUpdateTracker$NPCNavigationTracker(interval:7) Time: 29800 Count: 61 Avg: 488 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 1563200 Count: 3 Avg: 521066 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 1372900 Count: 483 Avg: 2842 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 87400 Count: 2 Avg: 43700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 3860800 Count: 23 Avg: 167860 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 343500 Count: 3 Avg: 114500 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 5704300 Count: 1501 Avg: 3800 Violations: 0 Task: Skript v2.6 Runnable: ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker$$Lambda$5396/0x0000000801baa278(interval:1) Time: 582200 Count: 852 Avg: 683 Violations: 0 Plugin: Skript v2.6 Event: ch.njol.skript.command.Commands$1::onServerCommand(ServerCommandEvent) Time: 997500 Count: 2130 Avg: 468 Violations: 0 Plugin: Skript v2.6 Event: ch.njol.skript.command.Commands$1::onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 122500 Count: 4 Avg: 30625 Violations: 0 Plugin: Skript v2.6 Event: ch.njol.skript.Skript$2::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2394300 Count: 3 Avg: 798100 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChestCommands v4.0.3 Event: me.filoghost.chestcommands.listener.CommandListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 44300 Count: 4 Avg: 11075 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChestCommands v4.0.3 Event: me.filoghost.chestcommands.listener.InventoryListener::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 420000 Count: 97 Avg: 4329 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChestCommands v4.0.3 Event: me.filoghost.chestcommands.listener.JoinListener::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2494600 Count: 3 Avg: 831533 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChestCommands v4.0.3 Event: me.filoghost.chestcommands.listener.SignListener::onSignClick(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1362800 Count: 81 Avg: 16824 Violations: 0 Task: ChestCommands v4.0.3 Runnable: me.filoghost.chestcommands.task.TickingTask(interval:1) Time: 2335600 Count: 426 Avg: 5482 Violations: 0 Task: ActionHealth v3.5.5 Runnable: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.LookThread(interval:1) Time: 16700800 Count: 426 Avg: 39203 Violations: 0 Plugin: ActionHealth v3.5.5 Event: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.events.HealthListeners::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 656800 Count: 3 Avg: 218933 Violations: 0 Plugin: ActionHealth v3.5.5 Event: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.events.HealthListeners::onLeave(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 105100 Count: 3 Avg: 35033 Violations: 0 Plugin: ActionHealth v3.5.5 Event: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.action.ActionListener::onSwap(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 96900 Count: 16 Avg: 6056 Violations: 0 Plugin: ActionHealth v3.5.5 Event: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.action.ActionListener::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 214400 Count: 97 Avg: 2210 Violations: 0 Task: ActionHealth v3.5.5 Runnable: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.action.ActionTask(interval:1) Time: 489500 Count: 426 Avg: 1149 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.integration.citizens.IntegrationInstanceCitizens::event(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 14300 Count: 4 Avg: 3575 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.integration.citizens.IntegrationInstanceCitizens::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 161900 Count: 3 Avg: 53966 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.location.AwaitingLocationListeners::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 326900 Count: 3 Avg: 108966 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.location.AwaitingLocationListeners::event(PlayerToggleSneakEvent) Time: 447600 Count: 38 Avg: 11778 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.location.AwaitingLocationListeners::event(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 23200 Count: 4 Avg: 5800 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.GPlugin$2::event(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 328400 Count: 2 Avg: 164200 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.GPlugin$2::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 7263300 Count: 3 Avg: 2421100 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.chat.AwaitingChatListeners::event(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 8800 Count: 4 Avg: 2200 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.chat.AwaitingChatListeners::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 31700 Count: 3 Avg: 10566 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.GPlugin$1::event(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 6786400 Count: 3 Avg: 2262133 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.chat.VanillaChatListeners::event(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 200800 Count: 4 Avg: 50200 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.listeners.ConnectionEvents::event(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2511800 Count: 3 Avg: 837266 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.location.AwaitingItemListeners::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 83900 Count: 3 Avg: 27966 Violations: 0 Plugin: GCore v8.31.0 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.location.AwaitingItemListeners::event(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 9400 Count: 4 Avg: 2350 Violations: 0 Plugin: CustomCommands v4.0.2 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.GPlugin$2::event(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 4700 Count: 2 Avg: 2350 Violations: 0 Plugin: CustomCommands v4.0.2 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.GPlugin$2::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 288300 Count: 3 Avg: 96100 Violations: 0 Plugin: CustomCommands v4.0.2 Event: com.guillaumevdn.customcommands.listeners.ConnectionEvents::event(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 5664400 Count: 3 Avg: 1888133 Violations: 0 Plugin: CustomCommands v4.0.2 Event: com.guillaumevdn.customcommands.listeners.ConnectionEvents::event(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 12770800 Count: 3 Avg: 4256933 Violations: 0 Plugin: CustomCommands v4.0.2 Event: com.guillaumevdn.gcore.lib.GPlugin$1::event(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 1648200 Count: 3 Avg: 549400 Violations: 0 Plugin: CustomCommands v4.0.2 Event: com.guillaumevdn.customcommands.listeners.PlayerEvents::event(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1665400 Count: 4 Avg: 416350 Violations: 0 ** Command: tp Time: 2520600 Count: 2 Avg: 1260300 Violations: 0 Plugin: ViaVersion v4.1.1 Event: com.viaversion.viaversion.bukkit.listeners.UpdateListener::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 4678300 Count: 3 Avg: 1559433 Violations: 0 Plugin: ViaBackwards v4.1.1 Event: com.viaversion.viabackwards.listener.FireExtinguishListener::onFireExtinguish(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 533400 Count: 81 Avg: 6585 Violations: 0 Plugin: ViaBackwards v4.1.1 Event: com.viaversion.viabackwards.listener.LecternInteractListener::onLecternInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 274300 Count: 81 Avg: 3386 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityHumanNPC Time: 44882400 Count: 1704 Avg: 26339 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.TabListRemover$Sender(interval:2) Time: 593800 Count: 213 Avg: 2787 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinPacketTracker$PlayerListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 70800 Count: 3 Avg: 23600 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Inventory::inventoryCloseEvent(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 56600 Count: 5 Avg: 11320 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Inventory::inventoryCloseEvent(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 5100 Count: 5 Avg: 1020 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Inventory::inventoryCloseEvent(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 2800 Count: 5 Avg: 560 Violations: 0 Plugin: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Event: net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Inventory::inventoryCloseEvent(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 6200 Count: 5 Avg: 1240 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.util.PlayerUpdateTask(interval:1) Time: 68050500 Count: 426 Avg: 159742 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityPlayer Time: 15915700 Count: 541 Avg: 29419 Violations: 0 Task: Skript v2.6 Runnable: ch.njol.skript.Skript$2$1(Single) Time: 8897500 Count: 3 Avg: 2965833 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinUpdateTracker$1(Single) Time: 1891500 Count: 4 Avg: 472875 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.nms.v1_17_R1.util.PlayerlistTracker$1(Single) Time: 139300 Count: 3 Avg: 46433 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen$1(Single) Time: 1595500 Count: 483 Avg: 3303 Violations: 0 Task: Citizens v2.0.28-SNAPSHOT (build 2385) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinPacketTracker$2(Single) Time: 106900 Count: 12 Avg: 8908 Violations: 0 ** tickEntity - EntityArmorStandNPC Time: 16363900 Count: 409 Avg: 40009 Violations: 0 # Version 3254-Spigot-8e90744-1df303e (MC: 1.17.1) # Entities 175304 # LivingEntities 34 Sample time 181724965000 (181.724965s) # This is the main configuration file for Spigot. # As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use # with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring. # For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Spigot wiki at # http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/spigot-configuration/ # # If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Spigot, # join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post. # # IRC: #spigot @ irc.spi.gt ( http://www.spigotmc.org/pages/irc/ ) # Forums: http://www.spigotmc.org/ config-version: 12 settings: debug: false moved-wrongly-threshold: 0.0625 save-user-cache-on-stop-only: false moved-too-quickly-multiplier: 10.0 player-shuffle: 0 bungeecord: true user-cache-size: 1000 sample-count: 12 timeout-time: 60 restart-on-crash: true restart-script: ./start.sh netty-threads: 4 log-villager-deaths: true log-named-deaths: true attribute: maxHealth: max: 2048.0 movementSpeed: max: 2048.0 attackDamage: max: 2048.0 messages: whitelist: You are not whitelisted on this server! unknown-command: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help. server-full: The server is full! outdated-client: Outdated client! Please use {0} outdated-server: Outdated server! I'm still on {0} restart: Server is restarting players: disable-saving: false advancements: disable-saving: false disabled: - minecraft:story/disabled commands: silent-commandblock-console: false spam-exclusions: - /skill replace-commands: - setblock - summon - testforblock - tellraw log: true tab-complete: 0 send-namespaced: true stats: disable-saving: false forced-stats: {} world-settings: default: verbose: true enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: true zombie-aggressive-towards-villager: true item-despawn-rate: 6000 view-distance: default hanging-tick-frequency: 100 wither-spawn-sound-radius: 0 end-portal-sound-radius: 0 dragon-death-sound-radius: 0 arrow-despawn-rate: 1200 trident-despawn-rate: 1200 mob-spawn-range: 6 nerf-spawner-mobs: false hopper-amount: 1 seed-village: 10387312 seed-desert: 14357617 seed-igloo: 14357618 seed-jungle: 14357619 seed-swamp: 14357620 seed-monument: 10387313 seed-shipwreck: 165745295 seed-ocean: 14357621 seed-outpost: 165745296 seed-endcity: 10387313 seed-slime: 987234911 seed-bastion: 30084232 seed-fortress: 30084232 seed-mansion: 10387319 seed-fossil: 14357921 seed-portal: 34222645 max-tnt-per-tick: 100 entity-tracking-range: players: 48 animals: 48 monsters: 48 misc: 32 other: 64 merge-radius: item: 2.5 exp: 3.0 growth: cactus-modifier: 100 cane-modifier: 100 melon-modifier: 100 mushroom-modifier: 100 pumpkin-modifier: 100 sapling-modifier: 100 beetroot-modifier: 100 carrot-modifier: 100 potato-modifier: 100 wheat-modifier: 100 netherwart-modifier: 100 vine-modifier: 100 cocoa-modifier: 100 bamboo-modifier: 100 sweetberry-modifier: 100 kelp-modifier: 100 entity-activation-range: animals: 32 monsters: 32 raiders: 48 misc: 16 tick-inactive-villagers: true ticks-per: hopper-transfer: 8 hopper-check: 1 max-tick-time: tile: 50 entity: 50 hunger: jump-walk-exhaustion: 0.05 jump-sprint-exhaustion: 0.2 combat-exhaustion: 0.1 regen-exhaustion: 6.0 swim-multiplier: 0.01 sprint-multiplier: 0.1 other-multiplier: 0.0 squid-spawn-range: min: 45.0