*** Using downloaded git PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit *** *** Please note that this is a beta feature, so if it does not work please also try a manual install of git from https://git-for-windows.github.io/ *** git version 2.21.0.windows.1 BuildTools unconfigured@null.spigotmc.org Attempting to build version: '1.13.2' use --rev to override Found version { "name": "2148-a", "description": "Jenkins build 2148-a", "refs": { "BuildData": "8eaf2804afba334ca73c3e190cf092064c631692", "Bukkit": "987016eada9da174c27b90126759a73eb21bdf76", "CraftBukkit": "dfa7583f68754be423ec23e7cf188e1327a63597", "Spigot": "1a3504a4240611e2c712af645d4a82a59d764f36" }, "toolsVersion": 93, "javaVersions": [52, 56] } Pulling updates for C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\BuildData\.git Successfully fetched updates! Checked out: 8eaf2804afba334ca73c3e190cf092064c631692 Pulling updates for C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\Bukkit\.git Successfully fetched updates! Checked out: 987016eada9da174c27b90126759a73eb21bdf76 Pulling updates for C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\CraftBukkit\.git Successfully fetched updates! Checked out: dfa7583f68754be423ec23e7cf188e1327a63597 Pulling updates for C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\Spigot\.git Successfully fetched updates! Checked out: 1a3504a4240611e2c712af645d4a82a59d764f36 Attempting to build Minecraft with details: VersionInfo(minecraftVersion=1.13.2, accessTransforms=bukkit-1.13.2.at, classMappings=bukkit-1.13.2-cl.csrg, memberMappings=bukkit-1.13.2-members.csrg, packageMappings=package.srg, minecraftHash=dc51d617728fdccac2082220aaaf7188, classMapCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map --only . --only net/minecraft --auto-lvt BASIC --auto-synth -e BuildData/mappings/bukkit-1.13.2.exclude -i {0} -m {1} -o {2}, memberMapCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map --only . --only net/minecraft -i {0} -m {1} -o {2}, finalMapCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource.jar --only . --only net/minecraft --only com/mojang/brigadier -i {0} --access-transformer {1} -m {2} -o {3}, decompileCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/fernflower.jar -dgs=1 -hdc=0 -asc=1 -udv=0 -rsy=1 {0} {1}, serverUrl=https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/3737db93722a9e39eeada7c27e7aca28b144ffa7/server.jar, toolsVersion=93) Found good Minecraft hash (dc51d617728fdccac2082220aaaf7188) 26 [main] bash (8300) C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit\bin\..\usr\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xE87408/0xE77408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 10 [main] bash 4192 fork: child -1 - forked process 8300 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable 26 [main] bash (6236) C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit\bin\..\usr\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xE87408/0xE97408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 1219976 [main] bash 4192 fork: child -1 - forked process 6236 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable 24 [main] bash (3892) C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit\bin\..\usr\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xE87408/0xE97408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 3416855 [main] bash 4192 fork: child -1 - forked process 3892 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable 22 [main] bash (436) C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit\bin\..\usr\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xE87408/0xEB7408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 7598468 [main] bash 4192 fork: child -1 - forked process 436 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable 24 [main] bash (8960) C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit\bin\..\usr\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xE87408/0xF07408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 15761501 [main] bash 4192 fork: child -1 - forked process 8960 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error running command, return status !=0: [cmd.exe, /C, sh, C:\Users\sundb\Desktop\buildtools\apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn, install:install-file, -Dfile=work\mapped.11f599d3.jar, -Dpackaging=jar, -DgroupId=org.spigotmc, -DartifactId=minecraft-server, -Dversion=1.13.2-SNAPSHOT] at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess0(Builder.java:764) at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess(Builder.java:699) at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.main(Builder.java:412) at org.spigotmc.builder.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:40)