Established TCP socket on 36507 <===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started Executing Maven: -B -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/pom.xml clean install -Dbuild.number=190 -P windows-exe -P macos-dmg [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------< org.spigotmc:builder >------------------------ [INFO] Building BuildTools 1.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.2.0:clean (default-clean) @ builder --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.4.1:enforce (default) @ builder --- [INFO] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.enforcer.rules.version.RequireJavaVersion passed [INFO] [INFO] --- scriptus:0.5.0:describe (default) @ builder --- [INFO] Set property "describe" to "git-BuildTools-b74d5ec-190" [INFO] Set property "" to "1741584681" [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ builder --- [INFO] Copying 20 resources from src/main/resources to target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:compile (default-compile) @ builder --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :source [INFO] Compiling 52 source files with javac [debug target 1.8] to target/classes [WARNING] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8 [INFO] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/src/main/java/org/spigotmc/gui/panels/options/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [INFO] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/src/main/java/org/spigotmc/gui/panels/options/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer:1.23:check (default) @ builder --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ builder --- [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ builder --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- surefire:3.2.2:test (default-test) @ builder --- [INFO] No tests to run. [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jar:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ builder --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/BuildTools.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- shade:3.5.1:shade (default) @ builder --- [INFO] Including com.custardsource.dybdob:java-diff-utils-copy:jar:1.0.5 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.checkerframework:checker-qual:jar:3.41.0 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:jar:5.0.4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:jar: in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.googlecode.javaewah:JavaEWAH:jar:1.1.13 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.30 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:jar:1.7.30 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.15.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.formdev:flatlaf:jar:3.3 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.jeff-media:javafinder:jar:1.4.4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.14.0 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Minimizing jar org.spigotmc:builder:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Dependency-reduced POM written at: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/dependency-reduced-pom.xml [WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation. [WARNING] commons-io-2.15.1.jar, commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar define 1 overlapping resource: [WARNING] - META-INF/NOTICE.txt [WARNING] checker-qual-3.41.0.jar, commons-io-2.15.1.jar, commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar define 1 overlapping resource: [WARNING] - META-INF/LICENSE.txt [WARNING] BuildTools.jar, JavaEWAH-1.1.13.jar, checker-qual-3.41.0.jar, commons-io-2.15.1.jar, commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar, error_prone_annotations-2.23.0.jar, failureaccess-1.0.2.jar, flatlaf-3.3.jar, gson-2.10.1.jar, guava-33.0.0-jre.jar, j2objc-annotations-2.8.jar, java-diff-utils-copy-1.0.5.jar, javafinder-1.4.4.jar, jopt-simple-5.0.4.jar, jsr305-3.0.2.jar, listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.jar, org.eclipse.jgit-, slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.7.30.jar define 1 overlapping resource: [WARNING] - META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [WARNING] commons-io-2.15.1.jar, commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar, gson-2.10.1.jar define 1 overlapping classes: [WARNING] - META-INF.versions.9.module-info [WARNING] flatlaf-3.3.jar, guava-33.0.0-jre.jar define 1 overlapping resource: [WARNING] - META-INF/LICENSE [WARNING] maven-shade-plugin has detected that some files are [WARNING] present in two or more JARs. When this happens, only one [WARNING] single version of the file is copied to the uber jar. [WARNING] Usually this is not harmful and you can skip these warnings, [WARNING] otherwise try to manually exclude artifacts based on [WARNING] mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true and the above output. [WARNING] See [INFO] Minimized 5678 -> 3574 (62%) [INFO] Replacing original artifact with shaded artifact. [INFO] Replacing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/BuildTools.jar with /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/builder-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- proguard:2.6.0:proguard (default) @ builder --- [INFO] execute ProGuard [-injars, '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/BuildTools_proguard_base.jar'(!META-INF/maven/**), -outjars, '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/BuildTools.jar', -dontobfuscate, -printmapping, '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/proguard_map.txt', -printseeds, '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/proguard_seed.txt', -dontoptimize, -dontwarn, -keep class org.spigotmc.** { *; }, -keep class com.formdev.flatlaf.** { *; }, -keepclassmembers enum * { *; }, -libraryjars /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64/jmods(!**.jar;!module-info.class)] [INFO] proguard jar: [/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/guardsquare/proguard-base/7.4.1/proguard-base-7.4.1.jar, /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/guardsquare/proguard-core/9.1.0/proguard-core-9.1.0.jar] [proguard] ProGuard, version 7.4.1 [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatStylingSupport calls 'Field.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getAnnotations' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: calls 'Class.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: calls 'Class.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: calls 'Method.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note:$EnumTypeAdapter calls 'Field.getAnnotation' [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatStylingSupport calls 'Field.getType' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getGenericType' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getType' [proguard] Note:$Gson$Types calls 'Class.getGenericInterfaces' [proguard] Note:$Gson$Types calls 'Class.getGenericSuperclass' [proguard] Note:$Gson$Types calls 'Class.getTypeParameters' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getType' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getType' [proguard] Note: calls 'Field.getGenericType' [proguard] Note: calls 'Class.getGenericSuperclass' [proguard] Note: calls 'Class.getGenericSuperclass' [proguard] Note: calls 'Class.getTypeParameters' [proguard] Note: calls 'Class.getGenericInterfaces' [proguard] Note: org.eclipse.jgit.nls.TranslationBundle calls 'Field.getType' [proguard] Note: org.eclipse.jgit.transport.Transport calls 'Field.getType' [proguard] Note:$Gson$Types$ParameterizedTypeImpl calls 'Class.getEnclosingClass' [proguard] Note: org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils calls 'Class.getEnclosingClass' [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLaf: can't find dynamically referenced class sun.swing.SwingUtilities2$AATextInfo [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLaf: can't find dynamically referenced class sun.swing.SwingUtilities2$AATextInfo [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.MigLayoutVisualPadding: can't find dynamically referenced class net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout [proguard] Note: can't find dynamically referenced class android.os.Build$VERSION [proguard] Note: can't find dynamically referenced class android.os.Build$VERSION_CODES [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLaf accesses a declared constructor '<init>()' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLaf accesses a method 'getAATextInfo(boolean)' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLaf accesses a constructor '<init>(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Integer)' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.UIDefaultsLoader accesses a declared constructor '<init>()' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatFileChooserUI$FlatShortcutsPanel accesses a method 'getChooserShortcutPanelFiles()' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatFileChooserUI$FlatShortcutsPanel accesses a method 'getSystemIcon(,int,int)' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatFileChooserUI$FlatShortcutsPanel accesses a method 'getIcon(boolean)' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatStylingSupport accesses a declared constructor '<init>()' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatStylingSupport accesses a declared constructor '<init>()' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.JavaCompatibility2 accesses a method 'getUI()' dynamically [proguard] Note: com.formdev.flatlaf.util.UIScale accesses a declared method 'isUIScaleOn()' dynamically [proguard] Note: accesses a method 'getJavaLangAccess()' dynamically [proguard] Note: accesses a field 'SDK_INT' dynamically [proguard] Note: accesses a field 'JELLY_BEAN' dynamically [proguard] Note:$JavaNioCreator accesses a method 'info()' dynamically [proguard] Note:$JavaNioCreator accesses a method 'user()' dynamically [proguard] Note:$JavaNioCreator accesses a method 'orElse(java.lang.Object)' dynamically [proguard] Note: accesses a declared constructor '<init>()' dynamically [proguard] Note: accesses a method 'allocateInstance(java.lang.Class)' dynamically [proguard] Note:$RecordSupportedHelper accesses a method 'getName()' dynamically [proguard] Note:$RecordSupportedHelper accesses a method 'getType()' dynamically [proguard] Note: joptsimple.internal.Reflection accesses a method 'valueOf(java.lang.String)' dynamically [proguard] Note: joptsimple.internal.Reflection accesses a constructor '<init>(java.lang.String)' dynamically [proguard] Note: org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils accesses a method 'clone()' dynamically [proguard] Note: org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config accesses a method 'values()' dynamically [proguard] Note: org.eclipse.jgit.nls.GlobalBundleCache accesses a declared constructor '<init>()' dynamically [proguard] Note: org.eclipse.jgit.util.GSSManagerFactory$SunGSSManagerFactory accesses a constructor '<init>(' dynamically [proguard] Note: org.slf4j.helpers.SubstituteLogger accesses a method 'log(org.slf4j.event.LoggingEvent)' dynamically [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$ObjectPredicate { Predicates$ObjectPredicate(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$Strength { MapMakerInternalMap$Strength(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$EntryFunction { Maps$EntryFunction(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$KeyAbsentBehavior { SortedLists$KeyAbsentBehavior(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$KeyPresentBehavior { SortedLists$KeyPresentBehavior(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$InsertionOrder { Traverser$InsertionOrder(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$ByteArrayFunnel { void funnel(byte[],; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$ByteArrayFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.Object,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$IntegerFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.Integer,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$IntegerFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.Object,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$LongFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.Long,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$LongFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.Object,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$UnencodedCharsFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.CharSequence,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$UnencodedCharsFunnel { void funnel(java.lang.Object,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$ChecksumType { Hashing$ChecksumType(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$Crc32CSupplier { Hashing$Crc32CSupplier(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$JavaLittleEndianBytes { LittleEndianByteArray$JavaLittleEndianBytes(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$UnsafeByteArray { LittleEndianByteArray$UnsafeByteArray(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$FilePredicate { Files$FilePredicate(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$MillerRabinTester { LongMath$MillerRabinTester(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { FieldNamingPolicy(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { LongSerializationPolicy(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { ToNumberPolicy(java.lang.String,int,$1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$1 { java.lang.Double readNumber(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$1 { java.lang.Number readNumber(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$2 { java.lang.Number readNumber(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$3 { java.lang.Number readNumber(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$4 { java.math.BigDecimal readNumber(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$4 { java.lang.Number readNumber(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { boolean isCaseSensitive(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { value(,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { value(,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { boolean lambda$forName$0(java.lang.String,; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { boolean overrideReadOnly([]); }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { boolean lambda$overrideReadOnly$0(; }', but not the descriptor class '' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.CheckoutCommand$Stage { int access$2(org.eclipse.jgit.api.CheckoutCommand$Stage); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.CheckoutCommand$Stage' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.CherryPickResult$CherryPickStatus { CherryPickResult$CherryPickStatus(java.lang.String,int,org.eclipse.jgit.api.CherryPickResult$CherryPickStatus); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.CherryPickResult$CherryPickStatus' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode { org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode valueOf(org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode$Merge); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode$Merge' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode$Merge { org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode$Merge valueOf(org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeCommand$FastForwardMode' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult$MergeStatus { MergeResult$MergeStatus(java.lang.String,int,org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult$MergeStatus); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult$MergeStatus' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseResult$Status { RebaseResult$Status(java.lang.String,int,org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseResult$Status); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseResult$Status' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RebaseTodoLine$Action { java.lang.String access$2(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RebaseTodoLine$Action); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RebaseTodoLine$Action' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryState { RepositoryState(java.lang.String,int,org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryState); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryState' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.transport.HttpAuthMethod$Type { HttpAuthMethod$Type(java.lang.String,int,org.eclipse.jgit.transport.HttpAuthMethod$Type); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.transport.HttpAuthMethod$Type' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.eclipse.jgit.util.GitDateParser$ParseableSimpleDateFormat { java.lang.String access$2(org.eclipse.jgit.util.GitDateParser$ParseableSimpleDateFormat); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.util.GitDateParser$ParseableSimpleDateFormat' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.spigotmc.builder.Builder { void startBuilder(java.lang.String[],joptsimple.OptionSet); }', but not the descriptor class 'joptsimple.OptionSet' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.spigotmc.builder.Builder { boolean pull(org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git,java.lang.String,org.spigotmc.builder.PullRequest); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.spigotmc.builder.Builder { java.lang.String commitHash(org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git); }', but not the descriptor class 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point ' { void setSelectedInstallation(com.jeff_media.javafinder.JavaInstallation); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.jeff_media.javafinder.JavaInstallation' [proguard] Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'org.spigotmc.gui.panels.options.OptionsPanel { void setJavaExecutable(com.jeff_media.javafinder.JavaInstallation); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.jeff_media.javafinder.JavaInstallation' [INFO] [INFO] --- launch4j:2.4.1:launch4j (default) @ builder --- [INFO] Platform-specific work directory already exists: /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/net/sf/launch4j/launch4j/3.50/launch4j-3.50-workdir-linux64 [INFO] launch4j: Compiling resources [INFO] launch4j: Linking [INFO] launch4j: Wrapping WARNING: Sign the executable to minimize antivirus false positives or use launching instead of wrapping. [INFO] launch4j: Successfully created /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/BuildTools.exe [INFO] [INFO] --- macosappbundler:1.20.1:bundle (default) @ builder --- [INFO] Creating app directory at: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/ [INFO] Copy application classes to: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/ [INFO] Copy native executable for binary type UNIVERSAL to: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/ [INFO] Generating Info.plist [INFO] Create Applications symlink [INFO] Generating DMG archive [INFO] [INFO] --- install:3.1.1:install (default-install) @ builder --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/dependency-reduced-pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/builder/1.0-SNAPSHOT/builder-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/BuildTools/workspace/target/BuildTools.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/builder/1.0-SNAPSHOT/builder-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 14.452 s [INFO] Finished at: 2025-03-10T05:37:08Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data